It’s Cold outside Dallas…wait it’s April?

Dallas contractor’s insurance, general liability. 927-217-8907 Coverage and protection for the North Texas contractor and Texas in general has been a passion of mine for over a decade. We are here for the small contractor working sometimes under the guise of handyman, working for individuals (homeowners) in our community. Also, we work with men who do remodeling and it’s not impossible to say that we work with small general contractors; the generic definition of general contractor is someone who uses hundred percent subcontractors. Size matters in the world of construction because, there is a possibility that larger companies work with insurance carriers that have a minimum premium that basically disqualifies the little guy. The little guy, that’s our job. Dallas contractors insurance general liability, yes size matters.
Size Matters
Generally speaking there is an understanding that the larger retailer can have lower prices because of their purchasing power. In the world of Dallas contractors insurance we work with the smaller contractor and do all that we can to be sure that your price is relative to your needs. Not every company is going to need “COI” certificates of insurance with a lot of aggressive language. A certificate of insurance may need…
- Additional Insured
- Waiver of Subrogation
- Per Project aggregate
- Completed Operations
- Yes, there are others
We like what we do yet still we are not for everyone. We are here for the smaller contractor, putting that in perspective is something like this: The contractor that has a gross revenue of 1.5 million or less. Some call that small and that may be true in the larger scheme of things, yet for us that’s a big company and we look forward to being of service to you.
Fast is great and getting you and your company a quote on general liability is a pretty fast process. That same fast process should not be mistaken for binding your policy, because binding and quoting are two different things. There are more strenuous questions when it comes to the binding process. Your background is scrutinized a little more as in; do you have any claims on your general liability in the past five years? And you probably want to read our article on – websites – if you have one or have had one that is still in cyberspace.
You need to think
Again fast is great and can be found in the same column as inexpensive in terms of what the general public may deem is good. Pricing is normally going to be based on one or two things and may be a combination of the two. What are your gross revenues i.e. receipts in one year and your labor cost. Also yes we have articles and lot of information on labor cost as it relates to subcontractors. Remember, you are purchasing $1 million worth of coverage in most cases and the people who are supplying this coverage want to protect their assets and liquidity just like you and your family want to protect yours.
I wrote this morning at 5:37 AM and was glad to do it. I want to thank you for dropping by today our little corner of cyberspace. This is my opinion and my opinion only. This blog and website is to be used as entertainment and informational purposes only. This website and I offer no guarantee of warranty whatsoever and never will. I think it would be prudent before you make any changes or did anything to any of your insurance policies that it may be a good idea to speak to a licensed agent in the state of Texas and maybe the one who sold you your policy. Have a blessed day. Information on Disclaimer click here.