It’s is Thursday and we are here

Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability 972-217-8907 – well, hello to the contractors at-large here in our city of Dallas and welcome to those who have called us from Tarrant County – (Fort Worth) as well. As you well know it was awesome to have temperatures in the 80s by 630 on Wednesday and now here we are on Thursday and it looks like we’re going to get back “UP THERE” and close to the triple digits – so take this from a baby boomer if you will, be sure and be careful out there because it can sure get uncomfortable to say the very least in the TEXAS heat. Let’s talk about a quote/indication and Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability in general.
The need for speed
Now, it is my opinion, as humble is it may be, that not all policies are created equal. Some companies have better ratings than others and others offer a greater range of endorsements while others may have less exclusions. This may want you do work closely with a agent that is licensed by the state of Texas when it comes to your “GL” – policy decisions. There are things that are on some policies that may not be on others because they have been endorsed. (Endorsed is just a word that means we added this to your policy) In other words there is a possibility that on the standard contractors general liability you may find exclusions such as….
- Plumbing
- Roofing
- Foundations
- Concrete Work
- Load Bearing walls
Well there is no way for me to know what is included or excluded on your particular policy. Also, there may not be a way to endorse such things as plumbing, you may hear verbiage such as this is a treaty exclusion with our reinsurance company. Although, you may hear talk like – it exclusions – reinsurance – treaty and so on yet the easiest way to say it is this, this risk cannot be endorsed onto their general liability policy. Again, maybe this can be done or this exclusion lifted yet, you want to go over this with your agent in most every case. Subsequently, you may find yourself in a situation where you are hiring a subcontractor that may be doing work that is excluded on your policy. This type of exclusion of subcontractor combination is going to be the focus of our next blog on Dallas Contractors Insurance, Dallas Contractors general liability.
Just because
Now, here is something that you may have never heard before. You, might want to ask your agent if you have a insured subcontractor and something goes wrong what will your company’s exposure be? You might want to phrase it something like this – what happens if (put the name of your company here) gets a letter from an insurance company demanding payment on a claim and my company (that would be you) has this same type of work excluded? You, don’t have to do any of that but it might be an idea that could fall into the column of prudent.
Now, I wrote this myself and this is my personal opinion and nothing else. This/blog/website – offers no warranty or guarantee whatsoever in nor do I. This information is for informational entertainment purposes only. Have a blessed day if you need an answer to a question call me personally or go to the top right-hand corner and click the purple and white button that says quote. I hope you have a fabulous day certainly appreciate your time for dropping by our small cyber shop here in the city of Dallas. Tomorrow we will be talking about subcontractors and exclusions and then Friday we will be talking about subcontractors and the quote and how the three are actually connected in our opinion. Disclaimer go here for more information.