It’s rain and Thursday contractors

Dallas contractors insurance general liability. 972-217-8907 Have you ever even herd the expression “Sounds like a broken record”. The meaning behind the saying is that you are saying the same thing over and over again. So, I must sound like one because, again I was caught in a RAIN storm again last night. Whoa! The weather may be great for some of the contractors, maybe great for some roofing companies. Not here to judge any of that yet, I for one would like to save some of this weather for August. Just saying. Today let’s talk about some of the things that are not covered by Dallas Contractors insurance general liability.
Things that go wrong
Now, first of all there are different kinds of coverage’s we all know this I am sure and here is why I am making that statement. If a person is hurt on the Job that is an employee then maybe you as the employer may have to pay for their hospital stay and here is the rub. I don’t know exactly what your policy say’s it will cover and there are circumstances where a person can be covered by your GL policy.
Your Commercial General Liability may not cover.
- Workmanship
- Injury to an employee
- Injury to a subcontractor
- Personal Property Stolen
- Auto Accident
Now, the above may seem like a random example of what is not covered, yet there is somewhat of a method to the selection here. Just like you personal auto, you would not file a claim on your homeowners insurance if you had an accident in your personal auto. If your home was to have hail damage you would not likely have to a good personal auto claim. Although you may think that is common sense here is where I am going. There are just thing that are not covered by your Dallas contractors insurance general liability that you might think should be.
Now, for some of this article you may want to contact your agent to see what is and what is not covered on YOUR policy, because not all policies are the same in the wide world of insurance. Generally speaking you may be on the fiscal hook if a subcontractor is hurt on the job and you were the person that hired said contractor. Again, you might want to know that answer to that question of who is going to pay and the person you need to speak to is the person you worked with in when binding coverage on your current policy. No one can know everything and I sure don’t claim to, however you may want to have an understanding of what is covered and what is not covered on your policy.
I wrote this today at 6AM or close to that and this is my personal opinion. I/this web blog and web site offer no warrantee nor guarantee on anything whatsoever. This is for information and entertainment only and not to be used to make decisions. For that you might want to work with a licensed agent in the state of Texas for you insurance needs. More on disclaimer click here.