It’s Saturday and January is done

Dallas General Liability insurance: We understand that most every contractor wants answers, and to get the pricing fast. We will say “CHECK” that is our passion is to be of service the old fashion way. Get the job done with your needs in mind. With that in mind: we will need to have an understanding of what your operation does. (Please don’t say contractor, we kinda got that) That question will go more towards that generic are you a general contractor? Building new structures, remodeling of a combination of both? You may be a person that has a company and you are the company and you don’t hire labor at all. There will be a difference to the way we approach you needs and your Dallas general liability insurance….
Well we are back to fast: So, here at the start let’s remind cyber land that we as a whole are here for the small to midsized contractor: That to us translates to $ 3,000,000 million dollars and under in total receipts in calendar year of business (12 Months). Now as for the single code contractor meaning
- Remodeling
- Electrical Contractor
- Drywall
- Painting
- Flooring
There are a lot of classifications (different class codes) for the contractor to fall under. Being correct is of paramount importance: It’s not a guarantee HOWEVER there is a possibility that a contractor could have a claim denied because of improper coding. It’s just so much better to be right the first time.
The Quote
The quote itself may not be ready for binding if that is something that is to be discovered during underwriting i.e. do you own another part of another business? Do you have an open claim? Do you have an open bankruptcy? If you are a contactor that uses labor of the Sub Contractor kind then there are two categories that these contractors fall into. A. Insured and B. Non insured contractors: as innocuous as this may seem that is a huge difference between the two types of contractors.
Insured Contactor
The insured contractors not only has insurance but has supplied you the hiring contractor with a COI a certificate of insurance. On this certificate of insurance that are few things that have to be done other than having your company named as a named insured on the COI :
Endorsements: for your Certificate of insurance are going to need to look something like this: you need the Additional insured and the waiver of subrogation endorsement: with a thirty day notice of cancellation. All three have a different meaning, understanding each is important, yet that is for a different bolg roll: These endorsements are important part of your Dallas General Liability Insurance.
As for the non insured Sub-Contractor:
The Non-Insured Sub Contractor
The non insured Subcontractor will have a rate the same as an employee in general: yes they are much more expensive to use and YOU are covering their insurance and your coverage is exposed in case of a claim. Well it’s Saturday, hope to see you soon.
Hello again: One persons wrote this and this is my opinion: This is to be used for informational and entertainment purposes only. This website/blog – offers no warranty or guarantee whatsoever. Remember it would most likely be prudent to use a licensed agent in the state of Texas.
If you just got a Job with a contract
Email us your contract, we can look over this and maybe help you decide whether this is going to be profitable for you and your company – there are things we cannot predict such as, how many jobs they are going to keep you in the future or if there are going to require you to have insurance is that you currently do not employ because we have yet to read their service agreement. What you never want to do is take and sign a contract do the work and then: you find out that you do not have the insurance that it takes to collect your money. As fraudulent as this may sound this actually happens and remember you have signed a contract.
Now what to do
Now what to do: Well, the first thing that you should have done was send your contracts will information over to your agent – it’s a little late if they’re holding their check yet maybe there is still some room to maneuver – “as you might understand there’s no guarantee here” – as an example you might be able to use a waiver that is literally written by the state to excuse you from having workers compensation. That is on the upbeat and good side there may be some coverage is that you’re just not going to be getting out of. Now there’s some policy language here such as per project actors could and completed operations that can be pretty nasty as far as a charge goes.
Things get worse
Things get worse: Now, here we go: Some if not all of these new endorsements are going to be fully earned – that means only one thing, you have to pay for them in full upfront. Not every case but I have seen a certificate of insurance cost $1250. Although not the end of the world when you only made $2000 on the job that was pretty expensive. Have a blessed day and week and if you need anything please call at your first convenience: