It’s Saturday and we are here

Dallas Contractors Insurance, Dallas General liability. 972 217 8907 Saturday, September 12, 2015 we are ready to answer the phones for today starting @ 7AM and will be here til past noon today, if for any reason you have a question or want a quote we will do all we can not only get something to you today, also take as long as you need to answer any question that you may have. On the weekends we keep things a littler shorter, here goes with today’s subject: bodily injury. Now, we hope all is well with you and your family, however things to happen and here is a scenario, that may be of interest to you. Now, we are talking about workers compensation here we are speaking of your Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability.
Now, this situation is 100% made up, and other words it has no reflection upon something that has happened and certainly we are forecasting the future here. We do want to be part of answering questions, however when you’re reading this blog understand that these are of a generic nature and we have not read your policy so if there is a question give us a call. And this situation someone was hurt on our work side of the imagination. Someone has fallen down the stairs and has a medical bill that is going to be an even hundred thousand dollars. Now, first of all this discuss who this may be – this person could be:
Well, I think you may agree that things can go wrong on the job site and it doesn’t have to be something such as someone hits their hand with a hammer, or something arrant goes awry with the nail gun. Now, were not going to be able to give a perfect scenario because obviously we have not read your policy or its policy language. Yet, in some cases it may be true that a subcontractor could fall down on a job that you hired them for – now here’s the question. What happens next? What happens if a person falls down that you have hired that is a subcontractor that is actually a true business owner?
Now, we’re just showing some variables, not advocating anything are trying to sell anything here such as workers compensation. Check with your agent on this one, if a person is heard on your job site and that person ends up being someone who was visiting their friend at their home and you were deemed negligent and they were hurt then you may have coverage. Now, on the professional level of things you may find yourself in a different situation because you may not have coverage. The idea behind this blog is not to give you an answer it’s more over to be the catalyst for you to search for the correct answer. In my personal opinion the blogs are not going to have the answer yet your agent that sold your policy may know the parameters of which it will perform and protect you from the fiscal ramifications – think Dr. Bill. Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability may not perform like workers compensation, yet there may be some protection on bodily injury in particular situations.
Now, I will agree we did not get very far on this particular scenario, so we will revisit this Sunday and Monday. I wrote this blog in the middle of the night and always enjoy talking to the contractors right here in North Texas and Dallas in particular. This is my personal opinion and nothing else, this is one person’s personal opinion. This website/this blog and myself offer no warranty or guarantee whatsoever. This website/this blog is for informational and entertainment purposes only. If you have a question on our disclaimer please go here or call the number at the top.