Dallas contractors insurance general liability. 972-217-8907 Is that the sun I see here on this Wednesday. We are here today from eight thirty until six pm. (8:30-6:00) so if you need a quote today we will do all that we can to be a part of your solution to your possible coverage needs. Also, we are here to help for the small to midsized contractor. For an example the contractor that has total receipts of $ 1,500,000 (One and a half million) is where we are best suited to be able to help. Another example let’s say someone is a custom homebuilder that builds more than five homes in one sub division then we think that we have the perfect complement for your company. Dallas contractors insurance general liability.
There are different kinds of coverage’s for the contractor at large, as an example you may need workers’ compensation to satisfy your contractual agreement for one of you clients, meaning you will have to carry this coverage to be hired by this particular company. This is my way of saying there is other coverage’s beside “GL”.
You may want pricing on…
- Workers’ Compensation
- Commercial Auto
- Building Coverage
- Contents Coverage
- Inland Marine
There is a lot more this is as you expect just an example of some of the other coverage’s meaning there are other coverage’s. I have heard that the backbone of the Texas contractor is Dallas contractors insurance, general liability. This could be true and we are here to help.
Fast is good in some ways and there may be a time to slow down. Now, no one knows everything so, it is up to the contractor to understand what is going on with their job sites. We understand that are things that just happen fast. You are on the job and someone ask can you do a small concrete job for their patio. As a contractor you may say yes. The situation with your insurance could be that this concrete job that is being done by a subcontractor could have no coverage on your general liability. So, the quote that you are getting fast because you only do painting is something that you might want to remember when doing jobs outside of the scope of what you were insured for. You need to go over this with you agent.
Each type of work in general has a code HVAC/Heat and Air has a code. Remodeling has a code just like there can be a difference between insured subcontractors and non-insured contractors. And just when things start to make sense there is the remodeling code that has several codes inside of this code that might not cover things such as concrete. Again talk to your agent.
I wrote this today at 7AM and I am glad that you stopped by to read. In short THANK YOU. Now, this is my personal opinion and nothing else. I/this web address and this blog offer no warrantee or guarantee whatsoever and never will. This is for entertainment and informational only and not to be used to make you decisions this is to help generate question to go over with you agent. Click here for more disclaimer information.