Labor Force Insurance

Dallas contractors general liability insurance, good morning Dallas and you know it, we have had another break back into the cold. Living in Texas is not like living anywhere else on this planet, the forecast is calling for: 80° on Friday with a chance of snow? Really. Let’s just put it in the verbiage that belongs to our weather pattern. Unpredictable at best and can change very fast. I think the next statement will make a lot of sense to our contractors out there – in a years time a Dallas policeman will see many more accidents than the average guy, that is their job therefore it is logical that they would be involved in deciphering “what happened” – in an unfortunate incident. So, when we the labor force behind Dallas contractors general liability insurance talk about claims, it’s because we hear about them a lot more than the average contractor working here in the city of Dallas.
Fast and furious
When a claim arises it comes at us fast and furious, usually this happens within a time span of some 25 seconds, however the claim resolution is somewhat more complicated and has more variables and start something like this:
- A claim has occurred
- Call Agent
- Adjuster is Assigned
- Claim number is assigned
- The Question Process begins
Now, you all know that the process will most likely not happen as fast as one – two – three, yet stereo typically speaking on the independent side of the scenario the agent will have little autonomy if any say-so whatsoever. Now, we are speaking of the small contractor the larger companies, well just say they have it a lot more plush. To view become one of the bigger players and we hope you will and will do everything humanly possible to try and get you there, yet till then are process is a little more mundane.
The questions
The questions are many i.e. a whole lot, so be prepared to spend 10 or 15 minutes with your claim underwriter who is most likely going to send the claim and the paperwork to the adjuster. Now, from henceforth things get much more murky we as a group are going to have to look through the glass darkly. In general and of course not always, yet still – in general you will hear from the adjuster within 24 hours. Keep in mind that you have a claim number and most likely the direct line to the adjuster. You want to keep those close because it makes the process go a lot faster and this streamlining makes your life much easier.
Now What
The adjuster will have to come onto the property and make an assessment. Now in the next article we are going to go over claims and subcontractors. For the billionth time we are going to say “yes” – you are responsible for what happens on the job with your subcontractors in many cases, it is not impossible for you to never pay any part of a claim with the subcontractor. Yet, remember what we are here for and that is to protect you and your assets that you’ve worked for and keep your wife smiling.
Disclaimer: I wrote this myself this morning, all here and all in this web site are personal opinion, this blog roll and website for informational and entertainment purposes only. For more information on our disclaimer please click here and for more information on Dallas contractors general liability insurance click here.