Let’s talk about …..

Dallas Contractor General Liability Insurance: Let’s kick things off by saying “hello” and sincerely hoping your having a marvelous day now that things are beginning to thaw out. We here at Labor Force Insurance want to be as much of a help as possible to help you, the small contractor, grow your businesses’ profitability in 2015. We are well aware of the pitfalls that small business owners have to negotiate on a daily basis and that is why we focus on your specific needs and try to do so as quickly and effectively as is humanly possible. Unfortunately, sometimes those pitfalls are unavoidable, thus the suggestion that you
be as careful as possible but also plan for those unforeseen tragedies that do occur in life and the business of the small contractor here in Texas. And with 14 years experience in the world of commercial insurance, I am almost sure that there will come a time when you will want to address the need for your Fort Worth Contractors General Liability Insurance.
We certainly are not foolish enough to say or believe that we will always win every bid that we make for an insurance quote and anyone who says they win 100% of the time is someone to be a bit wary of. Now please don’t put me into the category of conspiracy theorist, however, I do usually suggest that you be cautious. You probably remember that old saying, if it’s too good to be true, well you know the rest. Using this as a starting point, there are some fairly simple things you can do to maybe protect yourself as you try to navigate the sometimes treacherous waters we fondly refer to as commercial insurance.
One of the first places to start your research to protect yourself and your company is to go to the world wide web and search Texas Department of Insurance, and specifically “agent lookup”. The first thing this will tell you is when your agent was allowed to begin doing insurance related transactions in the state of Texas. Also, in that same vein, you will also be able to determine when the agent actually became licensed here in Texas. Now that you have accomplished that research, this leads us to another subject, that in my opinion, is also very important regarding your Dallas Contractors General Liability Insurance Wa! Ha
Ok, so count me as one of those “old school” guys who doesn’t really want to work with someone who has only been working in the industry for two or three years, and you would also want to work with someone who understand general liability and especially how it applies to contractors insurance specifically. Here is a short list of factors to consider within this part of your research:
- Agent in Texas
- Employment Record?
- Experience in commercial insurance in Texas
- history with company they are placing you with
- Been in busines???
This list can be quite extensive, but this is a good place to start as you perform your diligence with regard to searching for an agent that meets your standards of service and quality.
Now there is something else to give serious consideration to regarding protecting yourself and your assets, and that is that all insurance companies you may be place with will have what is referred to as a rating. This rating, known as A.M. Best, provides information on the financial integrity of the company in question and also addresses their financial outlook. All of this is performed by algorithm’s, which are mathematical equations and can give you a certain level of confidence regarding these companies you may be assigned to for a policy. Ultimately, this system allows you to look these companies up and gauge their strength regarding your Fort Worth General Liability Insurance. These are just a few more important pieces of the puzzle as you traverse this maze of commercial liability. Once again, we want to thank you for dropping by our website today and it is our sincere hope you will be blessed in all the work of your hands. Go! Dallas Contractors General liability Insurance.
I want to let you know that this blog is strictly my opinion and my opinion only. It is for information and entertainment purposes only, so we encourage you to always let your existing agent be the final say in things that affect your specific policy which has language that we are not privy to. Finally, if there is anything in this disclaimer that is of concern or if you have further questions please click here now. Thank you again for your time today and hope you drop by again soon.
And Remember
We will be in our new offices on 377 (Benbrook) Texas on April 17th, this will kick off Labor Force Insurance and Fort Worth Contractors General Liability Insurance. Fo-Sho. Now, we can talk ot you in person OR!! You can call us at your convenience.