Man, this is hard.

Dallas General liability insurance; we are here, all of your agents are from north Texas and Dallas/Fort Worth specifically. We as a team work with the Small Contractor: meaning that we ready, willing and able to speak to you about your coverage: From the coverage of your subcontractors all the way to the slip and fall coverage of your office and yes we are aware that most of you guys office out of your personal home. We are compelled by passion to work with the TEXAS Contractor: in all aspects of your coverage that is designed to engage when a claim occurs. Dallas Contractors General liability: we are here to help.
To start with
Let’s do a little discovery of what does get covered by the different types of insurance: now before you start yelling at the monitor and ultimately “me” the sole writer of this blog about why do “I” (enter the name of your company here) need so many coverages? Let’s talk about what you already know and have know for quite some time: When you were young you had a wreck…..well at least statistically there was a 97 percent chance that you would have a wreck in the first 4 years of having a drivers licensee. Now, if said and very sad situation did occur then you were made painfully aware of how a claim worked. Inadvertently, maybe but still you were well aware of how the CLAIM process happens and what did NOT happen.
The Claim
The claim was NOT filed on your renters or homeowners insurance. So, with that in mind you have an understanding that your Dallas Contractors General liability insurance is not going to cover everything just like you personal auto does not cover your home and your homeowners coverage. Now because no matter how many times we write this can be confusing, regardless HERE-WE-GO.
Workers Comp
Workers Compensation is NOT Dallas Contractors Insurance for General Liability as well as the reverse. So, a guy gets hurt on the JOB that works for you and this same person is listed on the policy then this person should be covered the question is not who is on the policy the question is who in NOT on the policy. Let’s Talk. As pre-mentioned this can get complicated so, know that we are there to answer any questions and DO NOT leave this article with and think that you have a professional level of understanding, you may not have achieved that as-of-yet and a mistake here could possibly put your fiscal condition into dire striates. NOT GOOD, not good at all. With that mind lets continue.
Man here we go again… DCW form 83 can be found on the Texas Department of Insurance’s web site: yes we “labor Force Insurance” did not write this, this is supplied by the State. This will give a waiver to you and your company on your Workers’ Compensation. NOW this is where you need to consult an attorney. We have been told that the waiver can be broken if the claim is high enough. I told you this was not easy, because you may hire a Sub-Contractor for
Now, there is so much to go over there that we will be breaking this down into a lot of different post through out 2015. Sill, you can all or email us and we will answer the questions at hand. You can contact us by clicking the “Quote Button Here” or call us a your convenience.
This is for information and entertainment only, I wrote this and this is my personal opinion. We offer no warntee or gaurntee what so ever. For more on our disclaimer click here.