March: and Dallas we are ready

Dallas Contractors General liability Insurance; well, I want to drop some bad-bad talk, are you kidding me “Weather” needs to stabilize the get regular, real regular. Now, with that said we do need to get some work done. There are things that are in the real world that don’t seem like real, as an example: we are saying in this story, you have hired a subcontractor and that same contractor has a problem that will lead to a claim. Now, here we go. To start you were not even there, and does this sound like something you would say? “I don’t have any employees, hence I have not exposure. Ok, well you might be very very WRONG. Dallas Contractors, General Liability Insurance problems.
Ok, let’s look just a smig closer, Contractor has loss, a post was knocked over a “THING” and the next thing that you do is get notice from the homeowners Insurance company, and BAM they want some money: Let’s break it donw:
Now, here we go, we are not kidding here this could happen maybe not yet, look at it this way. When an insurance company losses money “They” want it back. And it “they” think you have assets so, here “THEY” come. That bad part. An Insurance company will most likely have money and if they are ready to fight this could go bad.
What is next
Ok, You are put on notice from an insurance company that YOU are now in litigation. Gee ain’t that just great. Back to you were not even there part of the story. Now, something went wrong with a guy/Company that you hired. This would be the very worst way to find out that you need to have a better plan of protection. We will go over that Tuesday, you know tomorrow. Still you are in a law suite because of a Subcontractor. Yes this is NOT impossible to happen and happen to you.
What is the point
The point is that you can do a lot to protect yourself from losses and this Dallas Contractors General liability insurance is a good place to start. When you are named in a law suite, you need to know if you are going to be protected by your insurance. WE are not going to weigh in right now that will come in the next post. Yet, for now you want to ask you agent “Well will I be covered?” this is good question to ask yet if there has been a claimed filed and you are in litigation this in JUST not the right time to ask.
Well, there is more
Now, what we need is good communication; real good. We here are here to help. And help we will do.
Now we have to start somewhere, i.e. with the information that you will provide. To start with we will need how long you have been in the business. Have you had any losses, and few more.
Now, I wrote this tonight myself, this is my opinion and that is all. We offer not warrantee or guarantee what so ever. This is for informational and entertainment purposes only. If for any reason you have a question on our disclaimer please click here.