Maybe we should look over here…….

Dallas General Liability Insurance: When deciding on which insurance carrier to deal with the first move might be deciding on which agency to use; here are a few helpful hints that are certainly not exhaustive, yet may help you at least start in the right direction. Experience matters when it comes to the handling of your commercial insurance. You know a few things for sure, you want the best protection and the best price for that does not sacrifice coverage. Ok, where do you go…To start you will want to maybe ask some question. How long have you been providing Dallas General liability insurance?
Good Question
This is not where you want a rookie without a lot of support, currently we have support for our agents…in the way of experience. If you were to need Life and health our agent has been working in North Texas for over thirty years. If you want Liability Protection for your…..
- Electrician Company
- Construction Company
- Flooring Company
- Handyman
- Paint Contractor
Now, that are all kinds of Contractors/Subcontractors and workers of every type in-between. That is the contractors world and we as a company like to be involved. Now, back to the company that you might choose to find coverage for your contracting company.
There is gold in them hills
There is more than a fair amount of advertising for your Dallas General Liability Insurance coverage; people talk of speed and just how cheep the coverage will be. The more interesting part of this wall of coverage is this….yes you can have general liability coverage for 30 bucks a month. As an example a one man electrician will run some 45 bucks a month and that is for 2 million dollars coverage. This is still not going to be the norm. There are going to be conditions: such as how long you have been business, do you have prior coverage and the list goes on.
The good news
There is some good news, to start with we only work with the small contractor, meaning from the one man show, to the man was a decent size crew as long as his total receipts/yearly run is 3 million or under. As for the initial quote itself – that goes really fast. As an example this usually takes about three or five minutes. And again this is going to have conditions: The normal, garden-variety contractor is usually about a five-minute quote process, it may be a little faster but let’s just say five minutes. Yet, if you are a welder or work in the oilfield industry things start slowing down immediately.
Ok, let’s talk price
Pricing, is very important, in my personal opinion you cannot stay in business giving all of your money to the agent and the insurance company. Meanwhile, the agency needs to make a profit so we can be there for you throughout the years of your tenure as a contractor. Spending time researching new companies, talking to new representatives is what we do and do a lot of it.
Do you hate this statement is much as I do – “competitive” – what does that mean? Were competitive therefore we may when we may not win. We invite your comparisons from other companies, and you better know that we don’t win every time that’s just not possible. That is my way of saying there is no such thing as 100% closing ratio. Yet, it is very likely that you will enjoy the process better here than most anyplace because we try to make it painless, fast and inexpensive.
Thank you for your time
Now, you can go anywhere on your cyber surfboard in land on any Dallas general liability insurance beach. Yet you took some time and came here and we want to say thank you for doing so, and we invite you if you so choose to get a – quote – or you can call us at the numbers at the top of the page. Again we are grateful that you drop by and we wish you well in your contracting endeavor right here in the great state of Texas.
Now, here we go….
We seen to put forth some effort of putting out a blog a couple of times a day, the reason is probably a lot less obvious than it may first appear – we want you to find what you’re looking for on the first page and not have to dig around in the archives so we hover around things such as:
- Pricing
- Standard Admitted Carriers
- Workers’ Compensation
- COI’s Certificate of Insurance
- Property Coverage
There are a lot of needs in the insurance world yet, normally this is what happens…. Stereo typically speaking a contractor needs coverage for the building and coverage for their Business personal property. There are different coverage’s yet it is most popular to start with your Dallas general liability insurance coverage.
Now, I am one person and I wrote this and this is my personal opinion. This is to be used for informational and entertainment purposes only. We hope that you have a blessed day and remind you that we offer no guarantee or warranty whatsoever. Thank you much for dropping by have a blessed day and if you need anything just click quote in the right hand corner it’s the purple button.