Merry Christmas

Dallas General Liability, Contractors insurance: We are here, not here as in the office: rather with friends family acquaintances celebrating a holy holiday for Christians in America. Today December 25, 2014 all of us at labor force insurance – pray that you are in peace and your family as well your holiday season blessed and most of all of you and your loved ones and friends are in good health. We hope to see you soon in the New Year (2015). Our goal is a little bit different than most, I’ve always said I need more relationship’s not more business. I would like to break down that statement here on Christmas Day as it concerns your Dallas general liability/contractors insurance.
Relationships is the key component to our business, because as much is it is – not – advertised the truth is when you do someone (a solid as the teenagers call it) right with integrity and steer that person to the right agency you made a relationship. That’s a long-winded version of saying, you have made a friend, a relationship where someone believes what you say is true. There is no better foundation for the ascension of your company than positive word-of-mouth.
Here i something to think about
Now, more than likely we have called you on the telephone, we have introduced ourselves as a professional organization for the small contractor. A definition of small contractor is someone who has receipts of $3 million down to $30,000. We are not for everyone and not everyone fits our agency. I am going to let you in on a little secret – one agency does not fit – all. That is a myth, and not necessarily a favorable one.
Pressure to sell
Our agency reaches out the contractor at large – the translation to common sense is this: we don’t want to and will never pressure someone to say “buy from us!” Because we have our pipeline full and charged and ready to help someone and move to the next person to help. This is where this statement of – “we need more relationships not more business.” Comes into play, we want to write our share of the business, we will not write everyone who calls us it’s just not logical or statistically possible. Pressure is derived from lack of more possible relationships to call.
So, how we different
One is, we focus on a small group of people, i.e. we work with VERY SMALL general contractors, re-modelers we also work with electricians and HVAC (heating & air). We are of the opinion that we need to have a better understanding of a small group of people than a very lackadaisical understanding of a large group of people.
Think Underwriting
Now, we have a goal that is understanding our base book of business and the execution of their business therefore we understand how to answer the underwriting guidelines were truthfully and effectively for the companies that we have the honor of working with. Well it’s Christmas God bless you and we hope to see you soon from all of us here at labor force insurance in Dallas general liability.
On every post we post – a disclaimer, this blog is written by one person and one person only – we hope you have derived some information here that gives you a greater understanding of us. In particular this website is used and should only be used for informational purposes to derive better questions. And other words do not base your decisions on anything you read on the web anywhere. Here’s why; talk to the professional of your choice that is licensed by the state of Texas. We do not offer any guarantee or warranty on this blog post or anything on this website whatsoever. This is my opinion in my alone consult with your professional before you even think about making any kind of decision concerning your insurance or anything else in your life.
There is a new year coming: and it coming FAST.
Now, there is little we can do about the passing of time, but we can be prepared. Now, here is a statement that just might seem a little convenient: “You need to shop your insurance.” The convenience for us is that most likely we are NOT your agency of choice at this time. With that said: There are NO not even one 2015 F-250 Fords for fifty bucks. Sorry, if don’t work that way. Now, as for our us…..well let’s us see if we can be of help. You may not change agents, you may to stay right where you are and that is a fact. Now, here we go.
If we can help you in 2015 then we will do so yet remember: we may not be your best choice, but we will do everything humanely possible to do so.