Monday 3/23/2015

Dallas Contractors Insurance General liability Insurance: good morning, was the first hour of Monday something like 12:35 AM: I hope this turns out to be a prosperous week for you and your company and I am also convinced that you did not drop by today to hear accolades about you your family or your finances. Yet, in reality the reason that you buy general liability is another step towards protecting your assets and defending yourself in some cases against litigation. Hopefully, we will be able to work with you and your company if you are in need of Dallas contractors insurance, general liability insurance.
Just to start
We are here for the smaller contractor, smaller meaning the company that generates 3 million or less in their total sales. For us that’s a good size company, for the contractor at large that is not so true, yet we know what reality is in generally speaking the larger companies can go with agencies that can do them a better job. In job we are meaning better premiums (paying less) for us it is truly about relationships.
There are things….
There are things that we do better than others, as an example the concrete contractor that was to do foundations we are probably not a good fit. The reason being is because of the expense associated with laying slabs and foundation repair is quite pricey, and that is putting the premiums lightly. For us where the more the meat and potatoes down the middle of the fairway kind of agency….
- Like a electrician
- Like an Plumber
- A Handyman
- A Remodeler
- A paver
Ok, not exactly an exhaustive list: Gant as an example a person who does construction on track comes is going to be rather difficult for us because it detracts home exclusion that is now on most general liability policies. Dallas Contractors Insurance General liability is what we do, now that is not to send up a flare saying that we do not do the other coverage’s such as workers compensation and commercial auto and of course your BOP – business owners policies.
We are here
We are here to answer your questions Monday through Friday and we get here earlier than most we get here right at 8 o’clock in state to around 7 PM. We are here to answer questions which brings us up to our number one statement of 2015:
Dallas General Liability
Yes: you are responsible when you have a subcontractor working for you: the responsibilities can be wide an expensive – as an example if a subcontractor is working for you and is hurt on the job then there is a possibility that you may be responsible for their injury. This is not responsible as you calls the incident, more like you are responsible for the bills that are accrued because of said injury. WE go over this a lot and a lot of our blogs and will be doing again so tonight.
I wrote this morning at 1:01 AM for this very Monday: Please note that I wrote this myself – and this is my opinion and my opinion only therefore please understand that whatever you read here you need to check with a licensed agent of the state of Texas, maybe your agent or you can call us for a more concise and clear explanation. The information within this entire website and this blog in particular is for informational and entertainment purposes only. We labor force insurance myself and all of assigns offer no guarantee or warranty whatsoever.