Monday, in Dallas – It’s a wonderful life

Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability 972 217 8907 – well, we have said goodbye to the weekend entering the last week of September saying hello to fall goodbye this summer and in a few nights sleep will be saying hello holiday season. I can only speak for me, yet it seems like every year I live the years go by faster, honestly last night feels like it was New Year’s Eve and looking forward to a new and exciting 2015. Well, for us baby boomers things move pretty fast so I guess I need to get to the point and start talking about the reason that I came here on a Monday, the reason I came here is your Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability.
Well, we understand that most people use subcontractors, it’s just the way things seem to be done in the stereo typical landscape of contracting here in Texas, North Texas in Dallas-Fort Worth in particular. For us when you use subcontractors this is not a judgment whatsoever, yet as a company for your general liability quote we do want to know how to code your labor cost. Now, I am not going to tell you that you must list your subcontractors on your general liability to have them cover, rather I’m going to give you a pretty quick scenario and then you tell me what you think. As an example let’s say the you as a company do general remodeling. You may engage in a lot of different types of work during the day such as
- Window’s
- Garage Doors
- Flooring
- Interior Paint
- Drywall
- Exterior Painting
so, the typical week is going forward you a remodeling you may have even install some cabinets or maybe done some work on the flooring of one of your clients when you are ask if you could put up a fence on the outside perimeter of the property you are working on. Now in this make-believe scenario that comes from never never land – we are going to say that you hire a subcontractor that is not insured to do a fencing job for you. Now, let’s say that this person is in the phone book and has been in business for 10 years, and as far as we know a reputable company. There is a claim of $100,000 regardless of its bodily injury or its negligence on the part of the fencing company there is a claim of $100,000 and someone wants to file a claim on the Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability.
? – Well
Now, getting to the point of the matter we’re going to fast-forward and say that the homeowners insurance ended up paying the hundred thousand dollars and you were paid by a possibly disgruntled client that may or may not ever hire your company again. You move forward then you get this thing called a demand letter from the insurance company saying something like this – you hired the fence company, ABC insurance company that represented the homeowner paid $100,000 claim, and now ABC seems to think that they all of their attorneys and all of their deep pockets want their money back. What do you do now.
What happens if you were of the opinion that the subcontractor was on their own and did not called your agent to find out if the code for fencing was on your policy? What happens if you file a claim with your insurance carrier and a adjuster comes out and says you have no coverage? Do you think it would have been prudent to be sure that this type of work was covered on your policy prior to hiring an outside contractor to do said work? Like we said above, we do not have a crystal ball or a soothsayer on payroll so we just have to make up scenarios that could possibly happen. This scenario does not represent something in reality yet the questions remain the same – what do you do now?
This was written by one person – me and this is my personal opinion and other words the opinion of one person and that is all. This is based on made up scenarios, it is by coincidence only if this resembles a situation in the real world. This website/myself/this blog in particular – offers no warranty or guarantee whatsoever on this blog or anything on this website in its entirety. The information here is for informational and entertainment purposes only. If you want more information on our disclaimer go here – or you can call me personally at 817-584-1015. Have a blessed day.