Monday, Monday Dallas

Dallas Contractors Insurance: General Liability has taken is now required by so many of the local cities to be on file before (enter the your company name here) you are allowed to pull a permit to do work in the city. Interestingly, some of the cities are now asking for endorsements and be named additional insured on your “COI” – certificate of insurance. Now I do not know what each city requires and I don’t know the limits that you must achieve to adhere to as to satisfy their requirements, however and only five years ago this was not the common practice. Dallas contractors insurance let’s take a look.
When we started
I started marketing insurance in October 1997 the old-fashioned way, we call people on the phone and started the conversation of how we could help. If the year 2010 is back in the day – then back in the day the requirements on your certificate of insurance or basic in somewhat simple at that time (circa 2010). Maybe things have not gone exponential, yet they have gone drastically in a different direction as far as information needed on the description box of the “COI” – certificate of insurance, things like
- Additional insured
- Non-contributory waiver of subrogation
- Waiver of subrogation
- Per-Project limits
- 30 day notice
Above are some of the endorsements that are being asked for and here is the kicker – the kicker right in the backside of your britches. All the way down to the innocuous additional insured Now even become more complicated because there can be particular forms better asked for an adhered to for your additional insured. Subsequent to this information is just say it gets a little more complicated.
Dallas Contractors Insurance
Dallas, right here in our hometown if you are pulling permits and have gone downtown you’re probably more than just a little aware of the differences that are being required of our local contracting community.
Oh! And the General
Now, this is a two-part story – yet there are general contractors that now use companies to keep up with their certificate requirements and (enter your company name here) must adhere to their requirements and this can be somewhat out of we say…… Nauseating.
Don’t ask us
Now, the idea of a right to work state – meaning you may not need workers compensation by law has little to do with the requirements of a particular contractor. You may be asked to carry workers compensation and even all the way down to adding said general contractor as additional insured on your commercial auto. This is our way of saying things have changed it we would do everything we can to help you on your Dallas contractors insurance.
OK, you might be saying what else?
Well, you might want to understand something here – these endorsements sometimes cost money and there are companies out there (yes – yes, they will cost more) that will in most cases cover all of your certificate needs. And here is the part that we hate to even say – we can’t tell you in a blanket statement how much more this would cost.
Now, there is no way we could possibly or can possibly keep up with your insurance needs because we don’t know the size of your company or the policy language that you are currently working on/with in your current policy. So, – because this is very true – I wrote this this morning at 7:50 AM. This is one person’s opinion this is my opinion and no one else’s. This information can be 100% inaccurate because we have not worked with you are know your situation – this information is for informational purposes only and entertainment purposes only. That is our way of saying you need to work with an agent that is licensed by the state of Texas to make your final decisions. Hope you have a blessed Monday if you have a question on your Dallas contractors insurance give us a call. For more information on our disclaimer click here.