Monday: Yes it’s a new week

Dallas Contractors General liability Insurance: Now, here we are at the fist of the week (meaning Monday, February 16, 2015) we would like to pick up where we left off yesterday (Sunday) but first we would like to thank you for stopping by today. We “Labor Force Insurance” would like to also remind you that we are there 7AM to 7PM Monday through Thursday and Friday we close at 5PM. We want what you want: to be Faster, better and have premiums that are just lower than the next guy. That is our goal and we don’t always achieve our goal, yet we will press in as hard as we can to try and show you the fruit of our labor. We, like you we truly want to know that we are getting the best value for our dollar. Now let’s talk about Dallas contractors general liability insurance – subcontractors.
Now, we need some clarity as to our last post – when you hire a subcontractor contrary to the most popular belief you can be held responsible if they have a loss/are negligent and there is a claim filed. The most common scenario works something like this: something is broken – for our make-believe story we will say that someone has cut a fiber optic line. Now, before you guys out there bristle up and say “they did it” please remember that if you hired the contractor there may be the possibility that someone is going to name you in a lawsuit. Now, back to our fiber optic line and let’s put the value of fixing said line at $12,000. Regardless of how the line was cut, regardless of whether the subcontractors should of even been digging are not, regardless of regardless – someone is going to pay.
It could be as simple as this
YIKES: for the love of money, maybe…. Him and let’s make this scenario very simple and uncomplicated as possible. Fiber optic line is cut, homeowners insurance pays $12,000. Normally and we cannot say 100% of the time because who can say 100% of the time on anything? This brings us to the may be the insurance company that paid the $12,000 is going to look for a way to recover their funds. As far as I know insurance companies are kind of peculiar that way, they always seem to want their money back. *Dallas Contractors General liability Quote HERE
So, maybe it is not impossible for you to get a letter saying that you are being litigated against by (enter insurance companies name here) and in short they will see you in court.
The homeowner is out
The homeowner may have no autonomy whatsoever, it certainly not impossible to believe that the insurance company will use their rights of “transfer of liability” after they pay a claim. In other words they paid $12,000 and now is quite likely they have the right to go and subrogate against the hiring contractor and the subcontractor.
Were you going fast?
We all want to go fast a be as efficient as we can, however you want to understand some of the moving parts of Dallas contractors general liability insurance. There is a reason that it is common for their limit to be $1 million. It may surprise you how few people think about what that even means, understanding that someone is covering you for $1 million dollars. Now Tuesday were going to break this down on the different types of coverages that you may want:
- Workers’ compensation
- General Liability
- Commercial Auto
- Hired/Non Owned
- Blanket Endorsements
Now, there is a lot to go over and this (the above) would pretty much be considered a starter set. Yet not every contractor is going to carry workers compensation or commercial auto because may be of the size of their business or what ever particular reason that contractor to size to come to that conclusion. We are here to help, call us and we will see how we can get you started,
I wrote thins myself, this is my personal opinion and we, “labor force insurance” – and every post on this blog/website offers no guarantee or warranty whatsoever. We hope you have a blessed day on this Monday and have an awesome week here in Dallas and we are here for you for your Dallas contractors general liability.