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Dallas contractor’s insurance general liability 972-217-8907 Now, we are here in Dallas/Fort Worth and have live here for a long, long time. WE understand that when you call you need a quote and need it fast. Well, experience say’s that you need to get the coverage usually the same day. We will do our part, and have one of your quotes to you within a few minutes and will have more that afternoon or the next morning depending on when you called. Also, we are here on Saturdays and will do all that we can to make your Dallas contractors insurance, general liability as painless as possible.
You are the reason
Now, you don’t have to be a scientist to understand that our company is dependent upon your success. Like every business that I know of we don’t survive without people that we can be of service to. There are different kinds of contractors….
There are many more and our focus today is where do you and your company fit into this landscape of contractors? Let’s say that you have subcontractors and that do electrical, A/C Heating, flooring, painting and concrete. Here is something that you might want to go over with your current carrier or a question you might want to ask concerning your Dallas contractors insurance.
Sub-contractors how are they covered
Now, this is a three part series that will go over a whole host of things and here is one of the things: Subcontractors how are they covered? Well that is a good question that we will touch that here but try the Saturday blog for more things that may make you want to call your agent. Now, let’s start with the subcontractor that has insurance. Need a quote click here.
A big question
Now lets say that a subcontractor has a claim while working on one of your jobsites, meaning you hired this contractor to do a job for your client and you company will make a profit (in theory) and then something goes wrong. What happens next is something that is going to go something like this. A claim is made an adjuster will look over the loss/damage and make restitution. Well maybe…
The music can hit a sour note
This can go wrong with a claim and even if all goes well what happens to your company? We will be going over a thing called a transfer of rights. This could mean that the insurance carrier may have the right to get their money from someone. That someone could be you?
Now, this is a three part blog/ so come back and read the rest if you wish. I wrote this and this is my opinion and nothing more. I/this blog/website offers no warrantee nor guarantee whatsoever. If you have a question on your policy then you need to call your agent that has an understanding of the policy you currently have. If you want more information on our disclaimer click here.