Saturday in Dallas, hello and welcome contractor

Dallas Contractors Insurance, general liability, 927-217-8907 the good news is the weekend is here and the even better news is we still have another day Sunday to enjoy. This is part two of how contractors can have exposures that can hide in plain site. Yet, before we get started I do whant to say thank you for dropping by our very small cyber shop today and if for any reason you have a question or need anything please let us know. Today we will swim upstream and speak about care, custody and control, in the world of insurance this is normally known as Baileys Coverage. As we try to understand Dallas contractors insurance general liability.
This is a scenario that that I have come up with on this Saturday morning that does not reflect reality whatsoever, yet the content is maybe close to reality on a lot of policies. As an example let’s say a couple of your guys are moving a piano. In this tall tale we will say the piano is on wheels and upstairs being moved from one bedroom to the next, removing said piano from harm’s way because, the bedroom is about to be painted. You do not have to be moving a piano you could be moving….
- A Chester drawer
- A table
- A bed
- A chair
- A flat screen television
You get it. Now let’s say that for some unexplainable reason our piano gets loose and does a nose dive down the stairwell, resulting in $30,000 in damage. This $30,000 is the damage caused by the piano and does not include the piano itself. Please remember that the two painters that were moving the piano had care custody and control of this instrument before its untimely demise.
What is not covered
Now, here is the part that sounds like a politician on tough questions day meaning I don’t have a stright answer. It is not impossible that your general liability could have a provision for Baileys inside of your policy. Normally, when you have care, custody and control of something this could fall into into the “not covered” category. This is where you certainly want to check with your agent on the policy language and provisions of your particular policy. For the sake of this article that has no foundation in reality, yet could happen to a contractor here in America. Let’s make an assumption that there is no Bailey’s coverage.
The Claim
Now, there is no guarantee yet, this piano may be coming out of the contractor’s pocket. This could be you the person that is reading this article, so readers beware because this scenario maybe unlikely and somewhat implausible, yet not impossible.
And the hits just keep coming
The hits here may be metaphorical and yet could be of the fiscal nature. You may not have a deductible on your general liability, yet you may have a large deductible it is impossible for anyone who has never seen your policy to know. This deductible is something you may want to be aware of and go over with your agent on the monetary value or limit of this deductible. For this story our main charter the piano has a value of $1500 and the deductible is $1000. on this policy. There is the possibility that you can now purchase a piano to replace the one that is now laying in the front yard in pieces. **Remember, the piano has no coverage in this story, therefor you the contractor could end up paying the entire replacement cost of the piano. The $30,000 in damage that the piano did while taking a swan dive down the stairwell may turn into $29,000 if you have a $1000 deductible. (* just like the deductible on your personal auto insurance)
I hope you have a fabulous Saturday and if you have any questions, whatsoever you can call the number at the top of this article and I can talk to you in person, or you can click the purple button on the top right hand side and I will call you as fast is a possibly can. I wrote this article today on this glorious Saturday 5/2/2015 and this is my opinion and my opinion only. This website and I offer no warranty or guarantee whatsoever and never will. This article in based on my imagination and has no correlation to any action or claim that is ever been filed. If there are similarities between this article and reality, then this falls into the column of coincidence. If you want more information on this disclaimer just click here.
Oh! Yes
We do want to say that we are here for the smaller contractor in other words, the guy with a couple of guys. We are best suited for the company that has a gross revenue of under 1.5 million. And of course we want to be of help so if your any reason you have a question or need anything just let us know at your convenience. (our phone number is at the top for your Dallas Contractors General liability insurance.