See the “OPEN” sign Dallas

Dallas Contractors Insurance General Liability, Well, it is Tuesday 4/14/15 and we are heading for the summer, until then…. I will just (for the lack of a better word) rejoice at the weather and being grateful for the 50° mornings. Our new offices will be opening in the fabulous city of Benbrook Texas on April 20, 2015. Thank you for dropping by our little spot of cyber space today we are truly grateful that you could surf right in and enjoy the articles. Our main focus is relationships, working with the contractor at large for their Dallas contractors insurance general liability coverage. If you have a question just hit the blue button at the top right corner then fill out the three questions and hit send.
The term exposure has a direct correlation to the job that your company performs i.e. what you do in particular or you may be someone who has subcontractors. Well, please take my word for it when I say the insurance companies have been doing this for a while and understand the tolerance levels of what they do want and do not want. As an example….. a company may not want to cover or have exposure to….
- Welders
- Foundations
- Excavation
- Pool Contractors
- 100 Percent Subs
Now, the above may not seem like an exhaustive list (because it’s not) yet it gives you an example of how some companies don’t want exposure such as a general contractor – someone who hires 100% subcontractors. You may only hire a few contractors and those few, might fit into a category that your current coverage carrier finds to risky for their taste. AS I have NOT read your policy I can not speak with any kind of intelligence on the matter YET, this is something that you might want to think about.
Dallas Contractors Insurance
Now, there are different coverage’s for different kinds of exposures, as an example if you hire a subcontractor and that person is on the job and gets hurt, is it possible for that person to litigate/subrogate against you and your company? Another question that you may want to know the answer to is this:
The question here is – if a subcontractor is negligent on one of your jobs meaning, you hired this person to perform a job for you as a subcontractor and there is a claim are you going to be involved? Here is an example of the subcontractor and a claim – on a residential home a claim is filed and $30,000 is paid. Now, I have not read every policy in the state of Texas yet ask yourself this question – the company that paid the $30,000 claim because the electrician caused a fire, do you think that they may subrogate/litigate against you to recover their money. I can’t tell you what is going to happen next, however I just guess that insurance companies like to keep their monies just like everyone else. If you are going to purchase coverage then you need to have “ALL” the exposures covered. **Think Subcontractor.
Now, there is no such thing as a force field, except in movies. This is my way of saying there is no such thing as the perfect protection meaning there is no force field (TV policies need not apply) yet, planning may help a lot. There are words like additional insured, waiver of subrogation and “COI” – certificate of insurance which is another blog for a different day. On our next blog let’s talk protection of you and your company and what may not be covered.
Hey! It’s Tuesday and we have made it this far and I am grateful for you stopping by today. I wrote this at 3:59 AM this morning. This is my opinion and only my opinion and nothing more. What is on this page and this entire blog and this website is for your information and entertainment purposes only. This website offers no guarantee or warranty whatsoever on this particular blog are anything stated on this website. If you want more information on our disclaimer click here.