Subcontractors and Claims

Dallas contractors general liability insurance: 972-217-8907 We are here midweek in the middle of the day and there is little that I could say to the last person that I spoke to: let’s just say that he/she was a little more than irritated when they found out they had a claim that was not – going – two – be covered. This happens, this happens more often than not because maybe the agent did not understand the policy. Please note that I am not speaking from a position where I am taking advantage of a bad situation and reporting on – this problem. Policy language can be written by attorney so therefore it can be somewhat hard to understand. What is also hard to understand is how agent wouldn’t know something as blatant as – subcontractors are not covered. Dallas general liability insurance – subcontractors
Now, no one is going to get anything right hundred percent of the time, yet understanding the policy that you are issuing can be paramount, let’s just say super important when it comes to the protection of your assets and the protection of the person you are working for: Let’s take a closer look. This weekend we are going to break down the following statement – “third-party liability”. Stereo typically speaking, Dallas general liability insurance is
Third Party Liability
That means in a nutshell that the professionals are not covered – like I said this gets a little bit confusing and complicated so Saturday let’s devote some time to this and take it apart slowly and try and make sense of the statement itself. The statement however has little to do with common sense. In the real world in simple language when you purchase your general liability coverage there are certain expectations that go along with this coverage – something becomes destroyed then that “something” – has a value applied to it, meaning a claim and as the purchaser of a Dallas general liability insurance policy – you feel entitled and you should have this claim paid.
The Rub
You know that we write about 15 of these blogs every week and inside of these blogs you will see over and over again – when “you” – hire a subcontractor you are ultimately going to find out that you – may be responsible if that subcontractor becomes negligent, and other words has a claim. Also here is the rub – if for some reason you did not disclose that you work in this particular field then there could be a problem with the claim because you did not start on a good foundation to get the policy started. In other words may be even in vertically – you left some things out.
Labor Cost
Now, labor cost is a problem with a lot of independent contractors because the street believe is that – they pay their own taxes therefore you as another and different independent is not responsible for their work and are claims that may derive from their negligent actions. There are different scenarios but to be prudent you want to assume that you want to be protected, meaning your subcontractors should have insurance – and make you an additional insured along with a waiver of subrogation. Sounds like a lot of work – well we will do everything we can to help until then, let’s be well aware that your labor cost is exactly what it sounds like – everyone who you hire to work for you – including your subcontractors.
There will be a second part
OK: let’s assume that this is not going to be wrapped up in one little blog – your subcontractors and what you are responsible for and claims well we are just going to work on that for the rest of the week and Put a few thousand words forth.
I wrote this d@ 4:39 AM this Wednesday morning – thank you for dropping by our humble little website and we hope that we can talk to you soon – this information herein is for entertainment purposes only. We make absolutely positively no warranty and offer no guarantee whatsoever. For more on our disclaimer please click here. Again thank you we can never say thank you enough we can never be fast enough but we can try hard enough see you can see that you’re working with people who have your best interest and that interest is the center of attention when it comes to your Dallas liability insurance protection.