Sunday, be blessed

Dallas Contractors General Liability Insurance: and well…..we have relented, the cold and snow won. Just DANG it man, yet still what we can do we will do i.e. we will post, so post we do right now. Well you know this the roads are a JOKE. It’s 25 degrees and tomorrow it may be until noon before we un-freeze. And not it ‘s March 1, 2015 and we are FTR “Fiten-to-roll” we will be opening our new office in the glamorous Metropolitan and sophisticated city of Benbrook Texas. It is kinda like Gotham city, a lot of people have heard of it but no one ever seems to have been there. In Fort Worth you will not know you have even left your fair city
as we are located on 377 heading towards Granberry. Dallas Contractors General liability Insurance’s NEW offices will open on April 17th 2015.
Now here we go
Fort Worth Contractors General Liability Insurance is a necessity in our opinion because maybe you have assets that you want to protect as well as something a lot of people just don’t think about. What about the client? Now here is where something might get a little sideways with your psyche. And here is a part that I think that everyone will agree on. Regardless of who is it fall, if there is a $30,000 claim all of us generally speaking want to make the client whole. We as a contracting community want to contribute to the well-being of our industry. Consequently, no one started a job with the idea of pointing fingers and raising voices as opposed to just finishing the job and going to the next labor intensive venue.
What is paid for
One, might want to remember there is a limit to what is paid for in a claim, let’s start with the deductible. The deductible on general liability is the same as your automobile and your homeowners. Take the amount of the claim minus the deductible and that is what the insurance company pays for generally speaking. Now, please remember that none of us here are claims adjusters but we would like to do some stereo typical math that may not equate to your situation exactly. Thousand dollar deductible and the claim was $10,000, please be aware that you have $9000 to work with because (enter your company name here) is responsible for the first $1000. Not every Fort Worth contractors general liability insurance will have the deductible – remember you need to check with your agent none of this here is written in stone it’s more like finger painted on water.
More to come
There is more to come here in march, we will post some 30 post around 15,000 words on the subject of us sometimes things as benign as the weather and of course general liability. We will also be going over the relationship of claims and your subcontractors such as:
- Flooring Workers
- W2 Employee(s)
- Electricians
- Concrete
- Framers
So, you can have all different types of subcontractors that you can be responsible for as concerns their negligent on a job that you hired (enter subcontractors name here) for, the loss will be seen clearly as your responsibility and most likely. Again nothing is in concrete here because we don’t know the situation in this situation is make-believe. I think this is where we should put it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Now, the information on this blog roll like every blog roll entry on this website is mine – I wrote this – I wrote this today this morning on March 1, 2015 at 6:17 AM. There is nothing here or anything on this website that is not one person’s opinion – mine. AND I offer no warranty or guarantee whatsoever on anything here. You might want to consider always working with a licensed agent in the state of Texas that has experience working with contractors. And the last statement I just made, that is also just my opinion.
There is a lot
There are a lot of scenarios for: Fort Worth contractors insurance, meaning when you are working with subcontractors and have exposure for general liability you might want to check with an agent on this one – there are other exposures to you and your assets and your company that may have not been considered here. As an example you might want to think that you are exposed for workers compensation. The breakdown of that if someone is hurt while working as a subcontractor for your company it’s not impossible to say if they are hurt on the job you could have a problem. There will be more on your Fort Worth Contractors General Liability to come.