Sunday: Hello Sunday

Dallas Contractors General Liability Insurance: Hello Dallas, it’s cold (What!! I thought we did this already) and Sunday and for me heading to church in about half an hour. Now, as for this being Sunday – one of my better friends and colleagues for over three decades literally lives next door. To this day we do business together, as an example he is building our next set for our YouTube Channel. Dallas Contractors know what I am “SAYING” when I say, we took a day of rest yesterday Saturday. Today being Sunday let’s go over some general coverages that you may want/need yet may be your new and have not put the finances together to have things outside of Dallas contractors general liability insurance.
Workers Compensation
Workers compensation is something that protection your employees, this can also cover clerical “ownership” – in any form from CEO to a one-man construction company. Now, there is something that is written by the state called a DW C – 83. This can be found on the Texas Department of insurance website and can be downloaded for free. Now I am not going to say that the use of said instrument is mysterious I am just saying this – it is not impossible for an attorney to get involved even though you have waived/transferred the rights of litigation due to bodily injury. Now, were in one of those “mysteries of insurance” episodes and need to speak to you thoroughly about this over the phone or in person.
Dude YOU ARE responsible
Now, as much is we want to tell you that the urban legend – subcontractors are on their own an independent in the hiring contractor (enter the name of your company here) although having no autonomy over the job is released from any type of responsibility because of the contractors independence. Sounds great maybe someone should write that in a romance novel, this is not necessarily the truth and you could possibly find yourself in the middle of litigation that will not be most likely helpful to your fiscal situation: now the
- Electrical contractor
- Flooring, contractor
- Framing Contractor
- Painting Contractor
- Plumbing
The above is certainly not a comprehensive or an exhaustive list yet this pre-mentioned gives you an idea that you probably don’t do all things for all people. As an example (and I am not saying a good example) you may be a re-modeler, and need a new floor for this particular job and , who knows a whole new kitchen and bathroom.
The exposure is something that you will deal with internal you are no longer on contractor, now that does not mean that you will be in the middle of litigation or that you will ever even have a claim. The spirit of this blog is very simple, there are exposures in you want to close them as tightly as you can to defeat even metaphorically someone coming after your assets. “WE will have a lot more on this coming this week”
Dallas Contractors general liability insurance, man can get complicated and the certificates of insurance they have been dipped in the dust of the wild wild West. As for our disclaimer it is the same as it is every day there is one person that writes this blog – this person is me – this is my personal opinion and nothing else. Do not use this as advice sound or otherwise any advice that you want should come from a licensed insurance agent that has been licensed by the state of Texas. Dallas contractors insurance is for you and to help you yet it is not a cure-all and most every case. Remember also we offer no guarantee or warranty whatsoever with anything on this page today anywhere on this website are anywhere on this blog roll.