The information age

Dallas General Liability Insurance: WE will be here through the year and working the GREAT State of Texas there is something that has changed over the passed couple of decades. Well other that the internet and smart phone there is another phenomenon that has transpired. People do business via email and fax. In other words “People” have become comfortable doing business without even meeting their agent. Now, we as a company “Small” as we may be we are for sure technology forward: i.e. we have a YOUTUBE studio, we build out own web sites and have work with a aggressive virtual solutions to keep us and going in the cloud. We can now quote you something in minutes what just 10 years took a half day for your Dallas General Liability Insurance.
What has that go to do with you?
Everything, because everything is different, as in everything has gotten recorded on the web and the web has gone to the cloud. And this in the end have everything to do with you. Here are the reasons why this, like it or not evolves you in your day to day business. The searching of the web companies can find out so much:
- Have Bankruptcy?
- LLC, filed with the state?
- TDLR: for HVAC, Plumbing, Electric?
- Have a web site about your business?
- Own another Company?
Now, you know that “YOU” can find out just about anything on the web and that companies hire people to do just that on your behalf like it or not. It’s underwriting: the underwriter is no longer waiting for a letter, “oh!-No, not a all, because it’s on the web inside a cloud somewhere. And that at time can be in your benefit: Think A good/high credit score.
Yes and NO
Yes, a company can ask for your credit score to build a INSURANCE scour. Now the difference between your credit score or how much your credit scour influences your insurability I just don’t have any idea. Words are used that I just don’t understand. Think Algorithm. Now, as far as I know your credit is not run for your Dallas general liability insurance.
I sure don’t know everything
Things change in insurance at the speed of the internet and man that is fast, meaning that your quote that you get today can change over night: although not likely, this can and has happened. Rates change and now what you were going to pay has gone up. Most likely will not happen but can and the agent will not even know until he/she are trying to tries to BIND the quote and Wa-la: gee the quote went up! Does not happen often but can happen: now something that is much more ominous lurks in the dark apart of the web.
The dreaded policy change
Your policy may change: you want the agent that keeps up with this because something that you don’t know can hurt you. Especially the exclusions: meaning that something is excluded on the policy and Class codes limitations ****Ya might want to know that this can happen and go over it with your agent.
Now, I wrote this and want you to know that I want you to be informed that this is my personal opinion and that I offer no warrantee or guarantee at all what-so-ever. For more in the disclaimer click here.