This is Dallas

Dallas Contractors Insurance, Dallas general liability. 972 217 8907 Well, for the people that work outside this sounds like the most obvious thing in the world, for the people who work inside this is just probably a waste of space. It has definitely become cooler here in Texas. There is a significant difference between 93 and 103, and for us baby boomers it just seems a lot less difficult to maneuver. Thank you for dropping by today our small cyber liability shop that is hovering over North Texas. Today we are going to go over websites in general and the effects this “website” may have on your quote and your Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability.
Cyber Site
Now, it may be possible that when designing your website and paying good money to have this done for you and your company you may have had an attitude of why would I not put things that I can hire out and be profitable with (think subcontractors) because the price of the marketing is not going to increase. At the time this may have seemed like the logical choice and the road most traveled at the time. Understandably, when you are marketing and advertising your company a lot of people may not think about their insurance coverage and may not be thinking with their underwriter’s hat on at the time. You may hire a subcontractor to do work, you may never hire a subcontractor to do anything ever, yet let’s say the your line of work normally is one of these specialties…
- Make Ready
- Plumbing
- Concrete
- Remodeling
- Janitorial
I do not know what your company does in particular, you may be a handyman that is a one-man show you may have five subcontractors and do general remodeling as in kitchens and bathrooms, honestly before I speak to you there is no way for me to know. I work in an office that does not employ an eight ball on the table or soothsayers or any kind of future rendering technology, but if you know someone who can see into the future please let me know. Now, I’m just wanting to point some things out here I am not telling you how to run your business whatsoever. This scenario is for never never land in other words it reflects and does not represent any kind of reality this is just a story that could possibly happen and that does not mean it ever did happen. One example would be let’s say that you are an interior painter and you hire a subcontractor to do a foundation work, is this on your Dallas Contractor’s Insurance, Dallas General liability Policy?
Foundation work, in this particular scenario is not on your policy, there is no code or reference to foundations on your policy whatsoever and in this scenario there is a claim so I would like to ask what do you do next? Meaning, do you not take the job because you have no coverage? What do you do in case of a claim and you are sent a demand letter. Now, we are going to go over your website in more detail claims and demand letters tomorrow.
I am the only person who writes this blog, all of the errors in punctuation’s and misspelling yes, that falls on one guy that is me. If you want to speak to me in person on this you can call my direct line at 817 – 584 – 1015. If you would like a little more information on our disclaimer on our website please go here. The information on this blog and this website in particular is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Again this is one person’s opinion and this website/myself/this blog – offers no warranty or guarantee whatsoever and we never will. Thank you for your time and have a great day and a blessed one.