To the Weekend and beyound

Dallas contractors insurance, general liability 972-217-8907 – today being Friday we are looking forward to the weekend, just like most everyone, yet we do want to remind you that we are here Saturday from 9 AM to 1 PM. We are here to be support to the small contractor in Dallas/Fort Worth of course North Texas in the great state of Texas in general. We would like to go over one of the more important things that concerns you and your company when it comes to purchasing coverage. There is a lot to go over when you are considering workers compensation, commercial auto and the backbone of the industry Dallas contractors insurance general liability.
There is more than meets the eye
The quoting process to start with this pretty painless, you might want to consider changing the word quote to indication and then suddenly the rest of the blog will make sense to you. An indication is sometimes misdiagnosed as a quote subsequently, there can be some tense moments while trying to explain that the indication/quote has gone up 25%. There are several reasons why you may have…,
There are a lot of reasons that one may have a problem during the underwriting process. Admittedly, you may run into a unfavorable situation if you have a negative loss history. Experience may play a role in the underwriting process and your website can shed light on your company that may end up being unfavorable to you/your company because of on reported exposures.
It can be worse
Nothing is perfect so, if that statement is true then it may also be true that the underwriting may not catch something such as a bankruptcy or a claim that was not divulged to the company. We as a company do not subscribe to the crystal ball or smooth sayer mentality, there in we do not know the future. Yet, personally I would hate to depend upon someone’s goodwill to pay a large claim when there was a discovery of concealment on my Dallas contractors insurance general liability.
There is just no way
There is just now way for us to know how an adjuster is going to handle a particular claim, yet let’s just say it may be a good idea to be prudent and shy away from concealment when it comes to filling out your application here in the state of Texas. I would venture to say that people make mistakes and truly forget things, I cannot tell you that that will still place you in the unforgivable column, this is my way of saying think hard and do your best to reveal any imperfections as far as losses go for your GL application.
I wrote this myself and this is my personal opinion and nothing else. I/this website/this blog offers absolutely no warranty or guarantee whatsoever. This blog is for entertainment only and if you wish more information on our disclaimer please go here. Have a blessed weekend.