Tuesday and even it almost over

Here is it is….it’s Tuesday and wow, it almost MAY? Whoa! I truly NOW understand what my dad was saying….don’t blink it will be over (he was talking about life) and he was/is right, it just fly’s by. Here are labor Force Insurance while you/we/us are on this run-away-mine train called life we might as well have something at the end. Money is not all that life is about, however you need some to keep your company open. And it is possible that Insurance can help and maybe help a lot when it comes to protections of your family assets. Dallas Contractors Insurance, general liability: we are here today.
Now, there is much to go over
Now, there is much to go over here and we are speaking about protection and coverage and General liability in general. Now, here we go: To start “GL” is not going to protect everything you need to speak to your agent of at the very least speak to an licensed agent that maybe has experience in general liability. Back to the part about general liability is not a cure all…. It may not cover:
- Craftsmanship
- Employee hurt on job
- Sexual Harassment
- Acts of God
- Intentional acts
Now, there is something that you might want to understand: the above is a list that may not even pertain to you as a contractor. You may work alone B UT; when you “DO” hire a subContractror you meed to know you might end up on the hook. (Ask you agent about this hook)
Web Site
Your web site has a lot to do with underwriting; and now and you know this….what is on your? Meaning that is there anything on you web-site that you might hire a sub-Contractor to do? Maybe a little concrete just in case some might wonder upon you website and say “HEY! I need that.” Maybe that will happen in the meantime you might want to check out your premium increase.
Premium Increase
Premium increase does not happen arbitrarily, this is an action that had a catalyst a spark of some kind….think web site that advertises concrete work. The underwriter is going to want an explanation. And Oh! yes there is more. They (the insurance carrier) may want you to pay, this is not in stone (concrete) still there may be a bill coming to YOUR address.
And then
And then there are things that can get your policy cancelled altogether. Now, just how happy will that make you? Maybe a little confused and maybe a little (mad) unhappy? Let’s put this in words that may be strong but can be very true. WEB SITE trumps our opinion, in other words if it’s on the site than you are most likely going to pay for it (meaning what ever the risk/exposure is) I can talk all I want but the truth is this….the underwriter just might way….”WELL, then take it off the website.”
I wrote this myself and this is my opinion and I offer now warrantee or guarantee whosoever and that ain’t all. If you want more information on the disclaimer click here. Dallas Contractors Insurance General liability.