Tuesday and Storms?

Dallas Contractors Insurance General liability: 927-217-8907 Because of the unruly weather for the past two weeks it seems as though we say the same thing each day. We are hope this wild and untamed weather missed you and your family. Personally and for the second time within seven days I was personally got caught in 60+ MPH winds. (whoa!) I hope all is well with you and your family and watch the skies because the weather man I say’s that there is more unruly weather to come. The high winds can cause damage to a home, business and of course assets such as your automobiles. Today, let’s talk about things you might want to consider when applying for Dallas Contractors Insurance, general liability.
Got Website?
It may sound complicate but, your website can possibility trump reality. Most likely your website is going to be the barometer of which your company is going to be judged by an underwriter. Your website may be old or maybe not updated in the past year. Your website may say that you offer services such as…
- Concrete Contractor
- Framing Contractor
- Painting Contractor
- Roofing Contractor
- Plumbing Contractor
Now, let’s say in this make-believe scenario that you are an electrician and that this website we are referring to above that may list the other exposures (*Things that your company offers) is no longer relevant and may be has not been relevant for a year. Well……
Enter the underwriter
The underwriter is not an executioner, yet an underwriter’s job is to protect the company from undisclosed exposures, meaning the carrier is not unwittingly issuing a policy to a company that performs work that the carrier deems undesirable. This web site could be old, you could have a new company and did not even remember that you had this web site. (that actually happened once) In all honesty it does not matter if your website is: Old and not used or should have been updated regardless of the reasoning there could be a problem if a website offers work (exposures) that are not listed on your Dallas contractors insurance general liability application.
Again, we are not here to judge and understand that things change and you may not be a web designer and have not updated your website, yet what is on your website may Trump what you really do in your day to day operations. In other words “if” something is on your website then the underwriter may not just want an explanation, this could possibly lead to you having a policy canceled or you could be charged (yes pay money) for the work even if you do not do this kind of work.
In the next article
In our next article we are going to talk about doing work that is not listed on your general liability and the possibility of how this work may not be covered. Also, you may use subcontractors and maybe you have been told you are not responsible for their work, after all they are a different company altogether.
Hey, we have made it another day and I hope all is well with you and your family. You can go to the top right hand corner and click quote and I will call you as fast as I possibly can and see if I can be of any help to you. Also, I wrote this at 1:45 AM on this Tuesday and I want you know I enjoy this job. This is my opinion and my opinion only. I obviously dispensed no legal advice because I am not an attorney and I offer no warranty or guarantee to anything on this blog roll/page or anything on this website. This information is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Insurance moves at the speed of the web and the Internet is fast, very fast. If you need more information on our disclaimer click here.
Have a blessed day and until we meet again be safe.