Tuesday this must be Dallas

Dallas Contractors insurance general liability 972-217-8907 , hello to all out there in the wild world of Dallas and welcome to our small cyber shop here at the corner of Dallas and contractors. We hope you are ready for the 4th of July and let us be the first to say……be safe very safe. We are here today from 8AM til 7PM on the phones if you need to make a call. If you need us after that we will be on the phones until eight in the evening. Today we will go over the Subcontractors and codes, we have been speaking (writing) on this and we will pick up where we left off. Dallas contractors insurance general liability codes.
The Codes
Here is just one example, the codes on a policy may dictate what is covered and what is not covered. Now, like cars policies can be different so check with your agent to get the exact answer on your particular policy. What we are saying here is that we cannot predict the future, yet being well prepared may be a good idea. Codes are is what is assigned to a type of work. Roofing has a code that will most likely be different than painting and exterior painting will have a different code than interior.
All this is to say that usually there will be different codes for….
- Roofing
- Handyman
- Carpentry
- Concrete
- Plumbing
There are a lot of different kinds of work and a lot of codes and here is a kicker. We have one company that has a code for remodeling and this code has 17 codes inside of that one code. So, maybe now it makes sense when we say give us a call or talk to your agent and this is our opinion not the facts of life or Dallas Contractors Insurance general liability
Subcontractors: A person that you have hired and you pay to perform a particular job for you and your company on your jobsite. This will most likely be something that you did not want to do or something that you needed help in doing. Regardless, you need to know it that code is covered on your policy, because no one is perfect and there could be a claim.
Insured Subcontractor
Your subcontractor may have insurance and that is a great start, yet have you and your agent gone over the part about waiver of subrogation and additional insured? This is where you might want to get with your agent and be sure that you are covered and how these endorsements might make a big difference in case of a claim. Again this is something that you might not want just read about on the WWW you may want to consult an agent.
I wrote this and this is my opinion and that is all it is and nothing else. We/I/this blog/website offers no warrantee nor guarantee whatsoever and never will. This is for entertainment only and if you wish to know more about our disclaimer click here. God Bless and have a blessed day.
We we are here
We are here this morning if you need anything you can call or go to the top of the page and click the white/purple button that say’s quote and well will do all that we can to be of assistance. Well, that is the idea and I personally look forward to speaking to you about your coverage’s today or whenever this might be convenient to you and your company.
The weather
Well, so far this year the weather has been pleasant, yet a one hundred degrees Fahrenheit the cab of your tuck can be quote hot. We are talking maybe 125 degrees and I for one am not doctor yet I would like to say that it may be out right dangerous. So, may be safe and watch for heat stroke it is in the realm of possibility here in Texas and the heat of our summers in Texas. Dallas General liability quote – right here.
There is the coverage
The need for coverage is a little more prevalent now say as opposed to say maybe ten years ago. Some cities are asking for a certificate of insurance and you might check with the city that you are working in to see if you need a certificate on file to pull a work permit before you get to their office. This might save you some time. I might be over reacting you may never need a certificate, I don’t know the future yet there is the possibility so, again you might want to check with the buildings department of the city you are working in.
And then there is this
You, might just want the added protection of the coverage. Now, here is the part that we want to clean on. We as an agency cannot spend a company’s money, meaning we don’t have a vote when it come to paying a claim. And coverage will most likely never be perfect protection that would be a force field and this only lives on T.V. as far as I know.
Better safe than…
We want to help all that we can yet as an independent agency we will have to go through the process just like everyone else. That is to say that we don’t have to wait for the adjuster to make the determination and find fault or negligence and they may not want our help in doing so. Just saying. Yet, to not have coverage well, that could maybe be the larger of two evils. There is the possibility that you will never need to file a claim, just like you may never have an automobile accident yet, you might coverage auto insurance. Again, Just saying.
The idea
Again nothing that this writer is involved in is perfect so, you might want to shop around and get the opinions of different from different agents, we are not the only agency in town yet we want to help if we can.
The 4th of July is Saturday that means that there will not be an extra day off this year, so be safe because maybe people are trying to put more time off into the same amount of time. Maybe not yet, still you might want to watch out for the other guy. Dallas contractors insurance general liability be safe out there.