Understanding Dallas General liability (Part one)

Dallas General Liability; there are some misunderstandings in general of what your (CGL) covers and what it does not cover. WE are here and we have a complete video archive that goes over most everything on your different types of coverage’s. Yet because of policy language and coverages/insurance in general moving at the speed of the Internet some of the information is outdated before it’s even posted. And when you consider we have our very own studios and all of our poster put on a private network (that means really fast) you understand the precarious situation of taking information as absolute fact and not checking with your licensed agent in the state of Texas.
General liability what is it
This type of coverage is what is considered a third-party protection policy, please note and remember that there is no way to explain the intricacies of this type of policy in one blog post. We will be going over the different parts and some of the basic general exclusions from now until this same time of 2015. We hope we can help in the general understanding and will start with (basically) is-not-covered.
And the Not-covered part can be tricky as well. Dallas General Liability keep reading.
Here we go
Explaining your general liability the best place to start is actually your homeowners/or renters policy, because you have a better understanding of how things operate. To start with: If you have a accident in your auto then you will not claim that on your Homeowners policy. If you have Hail damage from a storm on the roof of your home then you will not be placing a claim on your personal auto.
There are different coverage’s for different risk (cause of loss) here is one example:
A not so typical loss
In our make-believe scenario it goes something like this: on this second floor of a home a couple of guys are moving a piano. Somehow the piano decides to take a kamikaze plunged down the stairwell and things go from bad to worse by the second. The immediate destruction of all things run into by the unruly, run – away – piano that is now come to rest at the bottom of the stairwell. The owner of said home and piano is standing in the settling dust of his personal Hiroshima and is looking straight at (the contractor’s name goes here) and wants to know what your are going to do about his belongings.
Here is the general answer
Now, this scenario is not exactly perfect – here it is in general and I’ll break it down for you:
- Piano. Not covered
- Stairwell. Covered
- The Stairs themselves. Covered
- Hand rail on the stairwell. Covered
- Everything else the piano runs into – “kind of”
Okay so were running out of time here but I do want to explain some above.
Let’s start with the kina part – See Dallas General liability part Two.
hello good citizens of Dallas – I wrote this at 3:58 AM on December 17, 2014. I unfortunately have to write something of this nature on the bottom of every one of our post – I have to say that I offer absolutely no guarantee or warranty whatsoever in this post or any other on this blog. The information you gather here can be inaccurate by 100% simply because I have never read the policy language of your policy. I am most likely not your agent and you do need to speak with an agent in person on your Dallas general liability because I promise you in a personal opinion way it’s important.
Now, here we go again
Ok, above I wrote the word kinda. Meaning not so sure and free of absolutes. The general consensus in the industry is this – what ever your working on (and other words have on your hand or care, custody and control) will not be covered on your general liability and please believe me look for the blog that says Baileys coverage. Subsequent to this noncoverage you will find in most every case that what ever the piano ran into is going to be covered under your policy.
OH! Don’t forget your nifty SIR
SIR – stands for self-insured retention – a clever to way to say your deductible. So let’s break down some real simple math. In this imaginary claim let’s say that the total loss is $10,000 and you and the adjuster have come up as an agreement as that is the fair market value of the loss – (remember the piano is not covered – and we will go over that in a different post) and also please remember that when you receive the check – (actually the client may receive the check – we will go over that in a different post) the check will be minus the deductible. In other words the thousand dollars (assuming that is the amount that you have as a deductible) will have been deducted. You are here www.laborforceinsurance.com and we are Glad.
Have a blessed day
Ok, we are now on our way in the last two blocks of 2014 heading straight into the future of 2015. Have a blessed day thank you for your time and please remember that we said this is going to take a while so please be patient. Dallas general liability over and out.