Wait, it’s Friday again YESSSSS

Dallas Contractors Insurance, Dallas General Liability, 972-217-8907 Hello and thank you for taking time out of your busy day to visit our small cyber shop here in Dallas, we will be answering the phone today from right now 7AM till 6PM tonight, if you have a question or maybe you need a quote that we can get to you today. *well most of the time* Contractors insurance could fall into the same category as other coverage’s that you already have in your possession. More than likely you have Auto insurance and you may have an agent that you have used since you have been driving. Maybe, you want to look at pricing and are concerned about the coverage’s that you are being offered currently on your Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability.
For whatever reason
For whatever reason you have come here today, we will do everything we can to be at your disposal and answer all your questions. I would also like to make a few statements that you normally don’t see on the web. Let’s start with this one, we are not for everyone and everyone is certainly not for us as an agency. We work with the smaller contractor who runs around $1.5 million in the year and most of our clients are 1 to 4 people. I for one enjoy our client base and know that we have limitations when it comes to the larger contractors, I just don’t think one size fits all in the world of Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability. We as a team work with smaller contractor’s that are a lot of times he subcontractor they might be….
- Not the General Contractors
- Handyman
- Contractor, Remodeling
- Contractor, Concrete
- Plumbing
A lot of things are built here in Dallas on any given day, the above is missing a lot of the exposures/types of work that go on here in Dallas County. This is my way of saying this list is not exhaustive yet you probably get the idea. Now, sometimes we have guys that you subcontractors to help finish a particular job. These subcontractors may be insurance such as an electrician and a plumber or may not carry any insurance and that could be anything from a drywall to exterior paint and beyond. You might consider only using a licensed plumber and a licensed electrician that does carry insurance, now we are not telling you how to run your business it is just a consideration you might make.
Now, here in our city to pull a work permit you may be asked to supply a certificate of insurance with the city of Dallas being the certificate holder. We work throughout the state of Texas and some small cities do not ask for certificates of insurance, yet it seems as though more cities are taking the practice of prudence and insurance coverage and I think even Fort Worth is now asking for certificates of insurance. So, what we are trying to say is there are a lot of different things to consider such as, premiums and coverage not to even mention codes.
Now, here we go off into a magnificent Friday right here in Dallas County. I wrote this myself and this is my opinion in my opinion only. I/this website/blog – offers no warranty or guarantee whatsoever and never will. If for any reason you would like to see more information on our disclaimer go here. I do hope that you have a fabulous and fantastic weekend with your family. God bless and thank you for dropping by today.