We are here at your service Dallas

Dallas contractor’s insurance, Dallas general liability: 972-217-8907- Thank you for stopping by our small cyber shop right here in Dallas County, we are here wanting to be of service to you and your company today or when ever you call until 6 PM Monday through Friday and until 12:30 on Saturday. Usually, a contractor needs to put together a budget and that will mean we need to put our part together fast so that you can start getting an idea of how much a project may cost you and your company. We are going to talk about Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability quote today.
Fast, can be good in some particular things and of course I am thinking NASCAR and normally we can get your numbers (total annual premium) to you fairly quickly, yet we do want to point out that sometimes these numbers on the “quote” are more of an indication then the final answer. Sometimes, it’s just going to be more than your labor cost and yes the subject of subcontractors is definitively going to come up. We’re going to touch on subcontractors at the end of this blog yet today were going to concentrate more on the quote itself. Pricing of course is going to very from different kinds of jobs you may have some exposures that can be friendly or maybe unfriendly to the premium numbers. You may be a
There are, as you well know a lot of different kinds of subcontractors out there and summer general contractors. Now, I’ve always been told that a general contractor is defined by a person that hires only subcontractors to do the work as the owner of this make-believe company becomes the supervisor. Well, be that true are not there is going to be differences in premiums between roofing (if you’ve ever got a roofing quote you know this) and a person that does nothing but painting as a company. The different types of subcontractors are normally going to have a code assigned to them and sometimes most of these contractors may be under the remodeling code. This is something you might want to go over with your agent is – what is covered as opposed to what is excluded are not covered on your Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability.
Underwriting, is not a four letter word it just may seem like it. Please refer back to our website here on Saturday we will be doing a blog post on underwriting as it concerns your website. Now, we have written on websites before and it’s not always the greatest news in the world and we will talk about that Saturday. Underwriting in short is a way of saying that just because you have a quote that does not mean the numbers will remain true if there are things on your website that were not revealed to the company. As an example you may have concrete listed as one of your trades on your website and your policy is not written to cover any type of concrete work. This oversight may well be unintentional, yet the company is a little more black and white sometimes it may say they do not want the exposure. In short this company may not want to write a policy for you.
Well, I wrote this blog and this is one person’s opinion and nothing more. This website/blog and myself offer no warranty or guarantee whatsoever. This is to be used for informational purposes and entertainment only. Have a blessed day and if you need anything just give us a call. More information on Disclaimer here.