Weather: Man! are you kidding me this monday

Dallas Contractors General Liability Insurance: 972-217-8907 Let’s talk about technology and how this – technology – relates to insurance and our daily lives at the speed of the internet and that is fast. For some the WWW has taken a major presence in our daily lives. Just look at the world wide web, you keep up with everything on the internet, including you old high school friends. In the past decade even our phones got smart and tablets that move over wireless with ease. And thank you for using the internet and stopping by to day to discuss Dallas contractors insurance general liability.
Technology is literally what information we use in our day to day business. So let’s talk about fast the speed of the Internet and technology as it relates to Dallas contractors general liability insurance.
We the People
Now, I am guessing that somewhere in the United States there is a percentage of people that are contractors that do not use cell phones. There may be a list of reasons why “they” do not use cell phones but you won’t find a list here or reference because we have not met any. Labor force insurance involved at of the idea of protection for the contractor – Advanced Technology using the web to spearhead savings and convenience for the contractor. And there may be a dark side of the web but we are not talking about things that go bump in the night but we are talking about things that can keep us awake at night. Think – underwriter as concerns your Dallas contractors insurance general liability.
The underwriter here in our great state of Texas is an absolute perfect example of how technology has changed us as a company and you as a contractor even if you were not aware. Maybe information lives forever on the web I can’t tell you – yet there is a common belief that information hovers on the first page for around 10 years. So, if you have a website and your website has not been updated in five years and your website says you do foundations for residential homes this is definitively going to be a red flag for an underwriter – the “underwriter”, does not know the back story. Does not know and does not care that this website is five years old.
Just the facts Mam
The/A/Your Web-Site: Well this trumps what ever we said between each other meaning the client in the insurance agent – the website may as well be the ark of the covenant of truth, because the underwriter is going to probably do one of a few things:
- review website
- Cancel the policy **YIKES*
- Put a fat Charge on Policy
- Investigate over the WWW
- Make an unfriendly call to agent
Now there is more, may be a lot more to this story yet you can see how the situation is going to get out of hand because of misinformation or information that was not disclosed. Regardless of which direction, it-just-might-not-be-good.
There is a light
There can be a light at the end of the tunnel: Not to be confused with the train coming at us, the following may not be the most friendly information – yet it is informational the same. This is a common response to your website says you (name anything that’s not on your policy) do so in so, and we have to take that off your website or the policy may be in jeopardy that is, this policy could end up being canceled. Stereo typically the answer is something like, that website is very old and (your name goes here) – I – do not know how to go in and set up or change the verbiage on this web site:
Well, NASA we have a problem
Now, Here we go, the problem is not going to way because we say teens ask or any other kind of childhood fantasy that changes reality. Subsequently, there is a step to which is you take your website off-line altogether. This is my way of saying we do not get to vote – this is not going to be to our advantage to get the policy canceled. And please remember that every company is going to have an underwriter more than likely look at your website and this can be a reality that everyone has to live with. In other words you need to know what is on your website.
Now, I wrote this these are my words and this is my personal opinion. This website was never intended to be the force or leadership that changes your direction and how to shop for insurance. In reality you truly want to speak with a licensed insurance agent in the state of Texas and please note we offer no guarantee or warranty whatsoever of this blog roll or anything else on this website for more information on our disclaimer please click here