Well, Contractors….Hello!!

Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability 972-217-8907 – Hello, we’re going to be here all day long until 7 PM every evening starting at 8 AM in the morning and we go to the evening of 7 PM. We are here for the small contractor, which translates to a total gross run around 1.5 million in a calendar year. There are a lot of options for the small general contractor and the remodeling contractor here in Dallas-Fort Worth and of course North Texas. We want to be of help and do everything we can to put you with the right company that fits the needs of your insurance requirements, meaning your contractual agreements that you may need to meet for a general contractor. Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability let’s talk about subcontractors.
In one year
A funny thing happened on the way to the end of my calendar year, you may be working a large project and along the way you picked up some smaller jobs or you may finish a job and move on to where you are not a subcontractor, you are now wearing the general contractor’s hat. In this make-believe scenario were going to say that you are doing remodeling and now you need to pour some concrete for a patio. One of the first things you may want to do is be sure that you get your certificate of insurance from the person who was pouring the concrete. In the typical day being a remodeler you may be doing things such as….
Now, there are a lot of different types of jobs that fall under the general heading of remodeling and you might find that there are some exclusions on your policy, let’s talk about the concrete job that you may have subbed out to another contractor. In this make-believe story we are going to say the absolute worst thing that could happen does happen. There is a claim and let’s just say it’s $100,000 – (remember were making this up as we go). Now, let’s say that this claim is paid for by the homeowners property portion of their insurance. Now, here is the part that’s going to fall into a gray area – I don’t know that I can guarantee that said insurance company is going to send a demand letter for the money that was paid out. Also, who can guarantee that there will not be a request/demand letter for reimbursement? Yikes, Dallas Contractors Insurance, Dallas General liability.
This may not be the time
This may not be the time to find out that you have no coverage because there was an exclusion on concrete, this may not be the best time to say things such as – G maybe it would have been prudent to call your insurance agent and make sure that this code is not excluded from your policy. Understanding, things go fast you need to go to work yet you might take into consideration that you are protecting your assets quite possibly when you are working on your general liability. There will be more to come tomorrow on this very same article.
I wrote this myself, this is one person’s opinion – this is my opinion and nothing else. I can not read every policy in the state of Texas, and policy language can change from policy to policy. The things that are included may be excluded on the next policy and you can see how the confusion can go somewhat exponential, therefore I/this blog/this website – offers no warranty or guarantee whatsoever. If you want more information on our disclaimer please go here.