WEll…it’s Thursday Dallas

Dallas Contractors Insurance, General Liability: Today Thursday 3/26/2015 is going to be the only one of its kind in your lifetime; I am certain you’re probably saying “tell me something I don’t know” – the inference here is that your general liability claims are not like auto claims stereo typically – they are just not very common. Normally, when you hand a claim on your (GL) – you normally open the conversation with; you won’t believe this but… However, were going to touch a little bit on claims insurance and subcontractors today. There were not going to be able to do an in-depth review here however as you can see for the most part we come here every day. So let’s get started on our Dallas contractors insurance, general liability family and your family.
The Claim
Now, the part that is not so much up to debate, the part that seems to be shrouded in mystery although it has no stealth technology deployed I can assure you. A subcontractor that is hired by you in paid by you may tethered you to litigation in case there is a claim stereo typically speaking. Like anything there’s no guarantee to the left or to the right of this but there is a way to ask an interesting question. Let’s do a very – very short scenario. In our make-believe story you hired a subcontractor and this subcontractor has a claim on your “client(s)” property and now somebody needs to pay a claim. For this story were going to say someone was putting up some signing and a hammer fell off on the top of a brand-new Mercedes – let’s put a value of $10,000 – let’s wind the story down by saying this the liability portion of the commercial job you are doing (meaning their insurance paid) their insurance paid $10,000. Here’s the question – do you honestly think that “they” are going to just walk away and not trying to recoup their money?
Let’s talk
Above is a scenario that is going to happen somewhere in America in the next week or so – now that’s a guess, however statistically speaking I’m probably not that far off. Consequently the question – are they going to try and recoup their money – was not rhetorical, but it may seem that way. Meaning when you have a subcontractor is not impossible that they are going to ask you if you’re the person that hired the….
- The framer
- The drywall contractor
- Painter
- electrician
- Concrete contractor
- Remodeler
The pre-mentioned is not a long list but it gives you an idea or at least a starting place to say – “hey I hired that guy” and… It seems my lifetime nothing is 100% meaning that no one’s going to be perfect therein being human is to be hardwired for some sort of negligence somewhere along the line. And if that malfunction happens on your watch (meaning while they were under your hire) that is not impossible to say that (again) you could end up being responsible or named in litigation, no guarantee here but it is a possibility.
Now, here we go again – every day people ask me why do you have a disclaimer if you are a licensed insurance agent? A legitimate question a very legitimate question and I have what I think is a decent answer – if there was only one policy and only one policy for general liability then are answers could be so much more absolute. That is not the case – here is an example, in most cases craftsmanship is not covered under general liability – however, insurance works at the speed of Internet and that is superfast. There are policies now that have some coverage for craftsmanship and on GL they have coverage sometimes for tools. You can call this a hybrid policy you can call this different endorsements to a GL to make it more attractive, yet I haven’t read those policies. I don’t have an understanding of every policy therefore here is mine – disclaimer – I wrote this this morning at 4:53 AM, this is my opinion and my opinion only – everything you read here is for entertainment and informational purposes only. I offer no warranty or guarantee whatsoever and never will. There is more to this disclaimer if you decide you want to look at it click here.
Dallas Contractors Insurance
Now, there’s always more for your family really doing is doing three hours that you are carrying a liability subsequently and quite obviously we cannot put everything in one blog post or even 100 blog post. Yet it is interesting to state this statement – we come here most every day we post over 300 articles a year and other words we put somewhere between 15 and 20,000 words of the year. We enjoy talking to our people you can always get us on the phone or email us and we will do everything we can to be at your service.
We are not for everyone
We, predominantly right small contractors in the state of Texas – our home is North Texas meaning Dallas-Fort Worth and all the small surrounding areas – were not trying to be rude we know you’re there are thing, North Richland Hills and Haltom City etc. We are for the contractor who has a gross run/receipts of $3 million or less… We have a sensational relationship with a company who does large contractors. They are well suited for that and we are well suited for what we do again the small contractor. Have a blessed day in if you need more information on Dallas contractors insurance general liability just give us a call.