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Dallas General Liability: Quote
For me personally I have been in the landscape of commercial insurance starting in 1997 and please believe me when I say things were very different in the 90s. The prevailing force at the time was not the World Wide Web (think website) and the ability for underwriters to reach out and do due diligence on your company is nothing like it is today. The Dallas general liability quote process has changed dramatically in the category of sure speed because of professional quote engines developed by large insurance companies. Now, is where it gets interesting: when you receive a quote that is not necessarily binding because you still need to go through the underwriting questions. Let’s talk about Dallas general liability quote(s).
As opposed to the general consensus, underwriters are not a group of people slowly churning a cauldron of information with a heavy fog lisping over the edge and falling to the ground with tentacles reaching into cyberspace finding bits of information to increase your total premium. Actually what normally happens is something like this – a company that has been in the business for over 10 years has made a lot of contacts meaning, construction people know construction people. While building your website you didn’t want to exclude any work because you know people who do things such as:
- Car Ports
- Small Metal Buildings
- Plumbing
- Concrete (Foundations
- HVAC (Heat and Air)
Now, there is nothing wrong with being an American and pushing yourself to the limits as far as free enterprise is concerned – enter the underwriter. The World Wide Web is a non-charged energy, it is used for good and evil the person behind the keyboard decides which direction to take their query. Let’s break it down.
Your web site, your website has the word concrete on it then there is no reason for someone looking at your website to think you do-not-do concrete construction on a professional level. After all this is what your are advertising. In reality you have never done a concrete job but you know a guy that has been doing concrete for 25 years, so the prevailing thought would be why not see if we can generate some extra income by using this professional and provide work through our web portal. In theory this is a magnificent idea, yet it does create an insurance problem. Because during the conversation with an agent you never talked about concrete, metal buildings, carports or plumbing you just talked about what you really do in the real world – your an electrician.
Exposure: That is the word that is used for the type of work that you are performing i.e. if you are an electrician then the exposures or loss that are associated with that type of work or generally known as exposure – electrical fires would be an exposure associated with your type of work. So if you have yourself and (2) two other people that work in the field as electricians under your masters of electrical license here in the state of Texas then that payroll and sometimes it’s gross sales is how the premium for your Dallas general liability is calculated.
So, with all of that said were going to go back to the idea of your website. Your website if it says you do things that are different (yes, we are back to concrete) then the exposure has not been calculated in your premium and now we have a problem with subcontracting out work. Subcontracting your workout is generally how contractors work in this day and age, however when this work is not in your field that you normally work in then the underwriter is not comfortable generally speaking with that exposure on your policy.
Back to Web-site
Now, we go back to your website that has all of these listings on their that you could possibly make money on and grow your business. Again, that is the American way yet insurance companies are a for-profit business. And the less claims they pay the more they make so while doing due diligence in finding out that you are advertising different types of coverage is that you are not covered for (think exposure) they were going to fall into the problem of either: the company most likely will charge you for these exposures and/or because these were not revealed upfront they may issue notice of cancellation.
Yes, it sounds harder than it is
This is information that you may have or may not have ever heard before, again the complications of websites and exposures total payrolls seem somewhat overwhelming. That is why you want an agent that has been in the commercial aspect of insurance for at least 10 years. You do not have to call us contact us or by anything from us, yet please protect you and your family and your assets.
Now, I have never read your policy, I do not know if you have a standard admitted company or if you have a nonstandard company known as excess lines. Obviously I have no power over the policy language in your particular policy and have never seen it therein use this information on this blog as informational purposes only. I wrote this blog and this is my personal opinion and should not be used to make any final decision. That actually could go against you in the long run work with a licensed insurance agent in the state of Texas. We offer absolutely no warranty and absolutely no guarantee whatsoever on this particular blog or anything on the labor force insurance website. If you need us for a new Dallas General Liability Quote then call us.