Yes, we Know what day it is.

Dallas General liability Insurance, Contractors: We are here to help the small contractor, and want to help in every possible way. Your need for a experienced agent and your quotes to move fast is something that we are accustomed to and have a web based quote engines at your disposal. Understanding that we need to be fast when you need a certificate of insurance to insurance to let’s say “Sugarland” Texas, that of course is just an example but still speed and accuracy to the end result is our intention and go. Making the process easier for you and an insurance experience that does not leave you frustrated and feeling as though you have been involved in a cattle pen mentality is all part of: Your Dallas general liability experience.
Let’s see here
The first question that comes up on the horizon right after you have purchased your liability coverage is how does workers compensation work? Meaning, there is a lot of information floating out there in contractor land and some of it a little harder to understand than others. Such as workers compensation and its relationship to:
- The owner of the business
- Sub-Contractors?!!
- Sales Persons
- What is Workers Comp. Waiver?
- Reporting Form
- Workers comp here in TEXAS along with general liability is not a law as of yet, that does not mean that you do not have to carry either or because you can possibly be exposing your company and your assets to fiscal harm. Now, understanding we will not be able to go over all of
the exposures in this one blog yet throughout the new year – 2015, we will do all we can to be in depth on every exposure concerning the small contractor on their Dallas general liability and other coverage’s. Dallas General liability Insurance quote!
Where to start
Where to start: Let’s start with what you are protecting. You want to protect your assets meaning your home the things you own (think ski boat or personal watercraft) from harms way and the sense of litigation. Meaning that the judge gave away the stuff you worked for because a judgment was rendered against you and your assets. So, we start with the basics: Trying to understand what you are liable for as a company. Opppps Sorry did you need a quote:
Yes, you are exposed
Now, we are well aware that when “we” – labor force insurance places all policy we are paid to do so, yet at this junction I would like to pose a question. Does your responsibility and liabilities change regardless of who sales you your policy? Your exposures: this is not anywhere close to exhaustive or totally comprehensive these are just some broad strokes i.e. things to be concerned with: Let’s Start with
The Sub-Contractor
Now, there is nothing here in concrete but generally speaking there is a high probability that when you hire a subcontractor and something goes wrong, in other words they have been deemed negligent then there is a high possibility that you may be named in the lawsuit to correct
the problem. One might say something such as – “we could/can fix the problem in-house” this may be true yet if the problem is say in the $50,000 range than things become a little more complicated and obviously expensive. I want you do know we do not render any of our information from a crystal ball, there in the statements could be wrong and of course that brings up: Can you afford the exposure without having some kind of Dallas general liability protection?
The Sub-contractor Again
If say there has been an electrical fire and the electrician you hired has been deemed responsible/negligent. There is no way did know what is going to happen yet you could be on the hook for the burning down of this make-believe home in our make-believe scenario. You definitely want to start making sure of a few things before you allow someone on do your job site.
- Be sure they have Dallas general liability
- The have named you additional insured with waiver of subrogation
- You have called and verified their certificate of insurance
- Yes, there is a work comp exposure
- Do they provide you with references?
- Now, no one gets everything right and no one is going to catch every possible exposure, that is why we have insurance and of
course when we are piloted by the human condition that means we are going to have errors because to be human is to do so, meaning we will make mistakes. We all do and that is why we as a team promote TEAM, we think that we are better together than apart, our company and our country will be a better place with teamwork. That is the way we see it. Oh! and than you for stopping buy today, we almost forgot to sy so. So, here is an old fashioned THANK YOU.
Well I wrote this myself at 7:33 AM this morning on this awesome Wednesday 1/14/15. This is my opinion and my opinion only and all of the information on the labor force insurance website/blog should be used as entertainment and informational purposes only. We offer absolutely positively no warranty or guarantee of the information or anything on this website as to accuracy. We have to do this because people will try and find something wrong and then go get an attorney and say that we ruin their life. We have not ruin your life and now that you seen our disclaimer please go somewhere else. For more information on our disclaimer please click here
Dallas Hello again
I just want to say that ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL, we are here helping the smaller contractor. We are here to tell you that the larger contractors is better suited with the Lager agencies. It’s just the truth, we don’t have the companies or the capabilities to handle the larger companies right. We know our limits and the fall right around the company (small contractor) that runs around 3 million max a year and most all of our clients are in the one million dollar range.
That being said we will help direct you to an agency that can help. Thank you again for your time and be safe out there American and God Bless all of you. And Call about your needs for Dallas General Liability Insurance.