You web site!!

Dallas Contractors General liability Insurance : Now, as much as I want people to understand I truly don’t think I am getting through: Your web-site trumps reality, as an example if you say on your web site that you do concrete work well then according to the WWW “WEB” you and your company can do the patio for the client at large. Regardless of the truth***meaning you have never done a concrete job*** but because your next door neighbor does, it seemed logical to put this service on your web site. Well all is good until the under writer assigned to your case looks at your site for your Dallas General Liability Insurance:
The underwriter
You may not want to believe this but, the underwriter is on your team, it just seems to be different at times. Back to the “WE DO CONCRETE” part of your web site: again WEB trumps reality: meaning the underwriter is going to most likely: cancel the policy for undisclosed risk or add premium’s to your policy. Now, remember for the third time it does not matter what you say but it does matter what your web-site said. You know where I am going next….you guessed it…the other five things that you have on your site: Same thing. The underwriter by now is in BEAST mode. And she does not play football. Bad joke and all the reality remains the same. If it on your site it can be a problem:
- Plumbing
- Electrical
- Flooring
- Carpet Cleaning
- Carpentry
- Painting
- Concrete
Every one of these has a class code, meaning they each have a number that differentiates one from another. The premium assigned is tethered somewhat to the aggressiveness of the risk or exposure potential. Well that isn’t all…yes there is more.
Regardless of whether you think you are responsible of not has little to do with reality, because you might be exposed and don’t even know it because you have not been named in a law suite. Let’s break this down. Now, say there is a claim by a subcontractor that you hired. Our make believe claim is $ 50,000. The Subcontractor pays the deductible and HIS/THEIR company pays the claim. All is good. Till you get a letter saying that you owe, 50K and court cost. This does not have to happen yet it can happen. The insurance company may have the right to recoup their loss as a condition of paying the claim. Remember it NOT the fault of the sub Contractor. Maybe you have done this with your Dallas General Liability insurance.
Well the short version of this is you want to the Certificate hold and then the wording should go something like this: The certificate holder is named as an additional insured with a waiver of subrogation in the favor of the certificate holder.
That is just the start
There are other things that you may want to do to close your exposures in your coverage’s to help protect your assets. You know those things that you have worked hard for and it’s taken a long time to accumulate and those things *Assets* were not free. So, let’s see how well we can protect them.
I wrote this tonight at seven PM, and all of this is my opinion. All of this everything on this site is for informational and entertainment purposes only. WE/I/Us make give no warrantee nor guarantee what-so-ever.